【12: Connecting Broken Lines】

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Before I start this chapter, I made a Kofi just in case anyone would be kind enough to help me right now. I've been struggling to write seeing as I've been having trouble with living at home. I'm saving and earning money in order to fix my financial situation. If any of you would like to help or donate, it would be a wonderful help.


Anyways, enjoy this very late update.

⫸ Metanoia: The Death Cure ⫷

「 Chapter 12: Connecting Broken Lines」

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「 Chapter 12: Connecting Broken Lines」

The pair of blondes made their way back to the others. Passing by a few of the resistance members as they walk by. Both enjoying the peaceful silence until the blonde girl had decided to voice out her thoughts. 

"What you said back there..." She hesitated, fumbling with her fingers. There were still remnants of puffiness around her eyes but at least her crying had stopped, "...Do you really think I was Thomas's pet?"

"No." Newt was quick to shake his head, he glanced between the girl next to him and pathway, "You're not and you never were. I didn't mean it when I said those things. It was just... the heat of the moment. I'm sorry if I hurt you, Lia."

"Don't worry about it." The blue-eyed girl dismissed with a wave of her hand. Her lip twitching as the memory of his words repeated in her consciousness. 

There was that same ache in her chest as she recalled what had happened and the words spoke. She knew she shouldn't be but her mind had decided to make her feel worse than she already was. Overthinking had been a trait she found frustrating about herself.

Lia bit her lip, trying to distract herself from the nerves, "Do you think he has feelings for her?" Self-doubt wasn't uncommon for Lia and recently with her memories coming back, she wondered what happened in the year she wasn't working for W.C.K.D. What could have transpired between Thomas and Teresa when she was sent up to the maze?

"I think he still has feelings for you." Newt faced her, seriously. Halting his movements to which caused Lia to do the same. The British boy moved them to a corner as to not block the hallway. Lia's features showed worry....and even sadness. "I don't think they ever went away, love." 

All Newt ever wanted for Lia was to be happy. He wanted Thomas to be happy too. For the last year and a half, he'd never seen her be as bright as she did whenever Thomas was around. Meanwhile, Lia helped Thomas be a better leader. No matter what challenges they faced or tragedy that may occur; Thomas was Lia's person as Lia was to Thomas. 

That was something Newt had accepted—something he accepted a long time ago. 

"He cares about you, Lia. More than anyone, and you feel the same way about him too." Lia could only listen to her friend's words. Knowing there was truth in them, "You can pretend you don't but I know you're still worried about him every time that shank does anything remotely close to hurting himself."

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