𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩-𝘛.𝘙 (smut)

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this is a smut lol

in which the reader teases tom all day until he's had enough.

warnings: sexual themes, swearing, ROUGH sex

Tom's pov

my girlfriend y/n and i have been dating ever since 4th year, about two years now. her beauty never failing to amaze me, her smooth skin, gorgeous hair, piercing eyes, perfect lips, everything about her was unreal to me. waking up and being the first person to kiss her and at the end of the night being the last person to kiss and touch her was my most favourite thing. she belongs to me and only me, you can't blame me for getting jealous when another boy is talking to her..

Nobodies pov

y/n woke up in the morning, a chilly spring day ahead of her. she got dresses in her hogwarts uniform, putting on a simple lingerie set that would surely be put to use later, over top her white blouse, her skirt rolled up an inch or two, the v collared knit vest and her house tie. she made her way down to the slytherin common room where she met up with her beloved tom riddle.
"good morning love" she spoke giving him a hug and a small kiss on the cheek. a smirk appearing on his lips as he looks down at the shorter girl wrapped around his torso "good morning angel" he said with a smirk. she hadn't buttoned up the top few buttons of her undershirt, leaving tom with a perfect view down her shirt. "button up your blouse would you love?" he said as they walked down to the great hall "i can see down your shirt and i absolutely do not want anybody else seeing what's mine" he spoke. a small smile appearing on y/n's lips, she looked up at tom and said "but tommy, i want them to see it." a smirk appearing on her lips now "wishing it was them i submit to and allow inside my pretty little pussy, yet it's all for you tommy, i'm yours and only yours" she whispered as they entered the great hall and took a seat at the slytherin table. a stirring feeling appearing in tom's stomach as his pants tighten in the slightest. "don't you dare speak to your master like that right now y/n. you keep this up and you're in for it later kitten" he growled gripping her thigh tightly.

after breakfast y/n still hadn't buttoned up her blouse nor rolled down her skirt. she and tom walked to herbology class together, the teasing continued all day until they got to their last class, potions. y/n and tom sat in the back of the class, as snape read aloud the instructions to the calming draught potion. after he finished his explanation, y/n shot out of her seat "i'll get the ingredients" she smiled as she walked away, lightly swaying her hips knowing tom's eyes were following her every move at this point. she knew tom was getting fed up with her, teasing him all day from riding her hand up his thigh or leaning over the table giving him a perfect view of her lace clad breasts.

she returned with the ingredients and leant over the table, reading the instruction in their book as she begins to chop something up. someone from the table behind the two whistled, and spoke "nice panties y/n". Justin, a fellow slytherin student who tom would make sure gets a lesson later in the day. a smile sprawled across her lips as she looked over at tom who was now glaring at the boy behind them. his gaze soon returning to his girlfriend, still bent over the table with her skirt hiked up.
tom moved so that he was behind her, she could feel his groin pressed up against her behind, rolling her hips into her lightly she adverted her gaze from what she was doing up to her boyfriend towering over her "are you going to help tommy?" she questioned he nodded his head yes, placing a hand on her waist as the other one reaches over her to stir the cauldron as she pours in the remaining ingredients. "you're gonna get it later" he growled into her ear, pushing his clothes erection in her backside. the wetness building up in her panties was unbearable but in the end it would be worth all the teasing.

y/n pov

after class ended i took my sweet time packing up my books, making tom wait painfully long for me. the second i put my last book in my bag he gripped my wrist and yanked me out of the classroom. dragging me to the dungeon and into the slytherin common room, then to his dormitory which was now empty as it was now dinner time.
he pushed me down on his bed and began "what the FUCK were you thinking pulling that stunt, huh kitten? you're MINE and i do not need to hear about how justin saw your panties in class, you're mine, you belong to me and ONLY me, nobody else should be seeing what's under your robes except for ME!" he yelled out gripping down on my neck, i was getting wetter by the second. "You want me to punish you don't you? you horny little fuck." he spat. he spent no time ripping my clothes off, leaving me on only my black thong, then the same to himself. pushing me down on the bed again, he flipped me over so i was now laying on my side,  one leg over the other as my ass was on full display to him. he got behind me, moving my underwear to the side and teasing my pussy, sliding his finger up and down, toying with my clit making me a whining mess until he abruptly slammed to fingers inside of me causing me to moan in pain. "fuck tom" i bent my neck back so i could be looking at him as his fingers fucked me "look at you y/n, tight pussy around my fingers, a sweaty, whining mess all for me." he purred, slamming his fingers into my at a fast pace, giving me no time to adjust.

"oh master" i groaned "you feel so good inside of me" he smirked, i knew he enjoyed being praised. his lips connecting to mine as his pace increases causing me to let out a loud groan. "please i need- i need you inside of me sir.." i pant out. he shakes his head and laughs, pulling his fingers out of me. i whine at the loss of contact until he gets off the bed, kneeling on the floor and pulling my waist to the edge of the bed. his face now between my thighs.

he sticks his tounge out, licking up my vagina, then he stops at my clit and begins to suck on it. sucking, nibbling and rubbing at it, making me see stars as my vision blurs. "oh tom, fuck" i moan gripping his hair. his mouth moves from my clit to my dripping hole, he darts his tounge in and stars fucking me with his long pink tounge. "you're so good tom holy fuck" i yell out and pull at his hair causing him to hum out a little groan into my pussy, the vibration sending me over the edge as i cum into his mouth.

standing up he speaks "you look so pretty all hot and bothered kitten" now standing over top of my he dips down and kisses me, letting me taste myself "so good princess" he says "you taste so good" he finally takes my thong off, throwing it with the rest of my clothes. he moved me so i'm laying with my back against the headboard, forcing my legs apart, he's between them, his boxers now off as well. he teases me, rubbing his dick up and down my pussy, applying pressure to my hole but not enough for his to thrust in yet. "please sir, need you so badly" i pant out "want your big cock to fill my tight hole" and with that, he thrusts in.

no mercy is shown as one hand grips onto my neck and the other onto my waist, thrusting into me so hard my body's moving up with each thrust, shaking the bed. giving me no time to adjust i cry out, feeling tear prickle my eyes. it hurt so bad but felt so good. "harder sir, i need it" i mewl out, causing him to pick up the pace, slamming me into the bed even harder if possible. he flips us over so now i'm on my hands and knees, while he's behind me. His hand leaves a sharp smack on my ass "who do you belong to?" he growls, i moan in response "words kitten, use your words" he speaks without stutter as if he's not pounding my brains out right now "y- you sir, i belong to you tom riddle" he lets out a moan in satisfaction "yesss" he groans "all mine, nobody else gets to see you like this baby" he coos as he grabs my chin, forcing me to look back at him. tears forming in my eyes again as he hits my g spot over and over again, my vision blurring and i'm seeing stars again.

" are you close princess?" as asks "yes, yes please make me cum sir, make your little slut cum" and with that he's pounding into my, his left hand on my throat and his right toying with my breast, i clench around his dick before i'm pushed over the edge and let go around his dick, his orgasm soon following after as he fills me with his seed.

my body collapses on the bed, his next to me as he pulls the covers over our naked, sweaty bodies. "mm you were so good for my y/n" he says brushing my hair out of my face and planting a soft kiss on my lips. i smile weakly at him. "only for you tommy, only for you."

lol that was the first smut i've ever written i hope it was okay

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