𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘩-𝘋.𝘔

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in where draco only calls y/n when he's high
(heavily inspired by the arctic monkeys song "why'd you only call me when you're high" and those tiktoks ive seem LOL)

Draco x slytherin reader

warnings: use of weed, swearing

au where the characters have phones

i awake to the sound of my phone going off like crazy, ring after ring. I pick it up and check the time, three in the fucking morning. who the FUCK is calling me at three in the morning? you'd never guess, it's draco malfoy, my lovely boyfriend. he's texting me now..

Draco: hey y/n pick up your phone
Draco: y/nnnnn ???
Draco: babyyyy i need youu

I roll my eyes and turn my phone off, placing it back on the night stand beside my bed. I close my eyes and try to go back to sleep.

ring ring ring

he's not going to leave me alone until i answer his calls is he? i sigh.
"whoever's phone is going off would you take the fucking call and go to the common room so i can fucking sleep? goddamn" i pansy groan. whoops. I grab my  phone and go sit on one of the couches in the common room.

ring ring ring

there it goes again.
"hello?" i say as i pick up them phone. "y/n baby, oh how i've missed your voice. i miss you. i miss your hair, i miss your scent, i miss your warmth and your smile, i need you" i can hear him slurring his words, he's high. he always does this, him and his friends smoke and he gets too high and needy. don't get me wrong, i like needy draco but, at three in the morning? fuck.
"i miss you too draco" i say, smiling a little. i can hear him giggle through the phone. "have you made a decision yet? about coming to mine over the break? i need you y/n" i totally forgot. i told him i wasn't sure, his dad was scary, i wasn't sure how welcomed i'd be there. "oh draco is this why you called me? i've told you i'm not too sure-" he speaks again "now it's three in the morning and i'm trying to change your mind, left you multiple missed calls and to my message you replied.." "why'd you only call me when your high?" i say with a sigh.
"that's.. that's not true baby" he says, his tone saddened "oh but draco it so is" i pause "i'm tired my love i want to go back to my warm bed in the dormitory-" "oh you're in the common room?" he speaks, i hum in response "i'm coming down love, i cant bear to be without you right now." i sigh "alright, but i'm only staying for a few minutes baby" and with that i hang up.

i can hear the dormitory door open with a creak and scattered steps coming down the stairs, and out comes draco struggling to stay in a straight line. his blonde hair an absolute mess, his eyes red and half opened and his pyjama shirt half unbottoned. i'd be lying if i said he didn't look hot. his scent reaked of expensive cologne and weed, a smell i grew to find comforting when around him. he stretches his arms out as a gesture for me to stand up and help him. "oh how i've missed your beautiful face y/n" he says pushing me down on the sofa again, his head laying on my chest. i smile down at him "i've missed you too draco.." he stares up at me, cracking a small smile as he moves his face closer to mine. "i love you so much" he says , peppering my face with kisses between each word. "i love you too malfoy" it's the small moments like this that cause me to fall more and more in love with him, he's at his sweetest when he's high i'll admit that, he's not as cold and isolated.
"play with my hair, would you luv?" i nod snd run my hands through the boys bleach blonde hair, his arms wrapped around my waist snd his face pressed into my tits "mmm" he hums "you're just so perfect i don't know what id do without you love, you complete me, you're there for me when i need you the most. just perfect." this causes me to crack another smile "thank you draco, i try my best" i say continuously stroking his hair, twisting it around my fingers or gently pulling at it, and within a few minutes i hear him snoring softly.
well shit i thought.
this wouldn't be the first time he and i had fallen asleep on the sofa in the common room and it definitely wouldn't be the last.

lol that was kinda short, oh well. hope u enjoyed!

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