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In which Hufflepuff reader and cedric diggory spend a warm christmas holiday together.

Warnings: Cute couple alert🙄🤚

Cedric and Y/N had been dating ever since third year, she admits she had fallen for his cocky, outgoing attitude, charming smile, and the kindness and purity of his heart. If asked by anyone, he was a true Hufflepuff which probably explained why he was a House Prefect. The two would often sneak out on Cedrics hall monitors duties and meet up in the Prefects bathroom for a warm bath and some catch up after a busy day. Their love for each other was pure and nobody in Hogwarts had tried to get in between it, knowing the two were inseparable.

Hogwarts was decorated for the Holidays, a big, bright Christmas tree stood in the great hall and smaller ones in each houses common rooms, garlands and ribbons handing across windows and pillars in the corridors. It was all so beautiful. The castle smelled of pine and sweet apple pie, House elves hard at work in the Kitchen.

This year, Cedric had decided he'd stay with   Y/N at Hogwarts for the Christmas break, she wasn't going back home this year due to her and her mother getting in a heated fight which resulted in her not being welcomed home for the time being, and Cedric absolutely did not want his sweet dear Y/N to spend the holidays alone. There weren't many kids staying for the holidays, somewhere between 10-20 kids from each house but that was it.

The two of them spent their time walking around Hogsmead, going on dates at The Three Broomsticks and drinking butterbeers or sneaking off for some alone time in the Room of Requirements. But tonight, Y/N and Cedric were cuddled up on the Hufflepuff common room couch in front of the blazing fire.

Cedrics arm wrapped around Y/N's waist, pulling her impossibly closer while her head rested on his shoulder. The two could sit in silence without it being uncomfortable or awkward for hours on end, simply finding comfort in each others presence. "Y/N" Cedric finally spoke, she responded with a slight hum, her eyelids getting heavy and body tired. "I love you, I hope you know that. I never want you to forget that." Y/N smiled up at the brunette, placing a light kiss on his lips "Of course Ced, I could never forget. I love you for infinity." a smile now appearing on Cedrics lips, pulling her in closer if even possible. "You're perfect, I don't know what i'd do without you in my life, I'd be so lost." "Oh Ced, you're too pure. You make me feel so loved, I don't know what I would do without you!" You said mocking his words, His smile widening.

It's true, without eachother the two of you would be lost, colourless even. You were his main source of happiness and He was yours, you two were meant for eachother, almost like soulmates.

You two sat in silence again, inhaling his scent, he smelled of leather, fresh cut grass and cologne. His hand was now in your hair, lightly stroking it, even twirling it and messaging your scalp. The only things that could be heard were the fire crackling and the light breathing between the two of you. Your eyes getting heavier as time goes by, your breathing steadying and your body weakening. You had fallen asleep in Cedrics arms. Cedric smiled, placing a light kiss on your forehead.
"Goodnight Y/N." he whispered, placing another kiss on your forehead.

This ones kinda short lol sorry

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