𝘋𝘦𝘢𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘦-𝘙.𝘞

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In which ronald weasley is caught hooking up with another girl

warnings: sexual content, swearing

Technically, Ron Weasley and I weren't dating but, i was still allowed to be hurt right? We had started hooking up in the room of requirements once a week every friday in the middle of 5th year to relieve some of ron's stress and anger. he always felt out of place and useless in the golden trio, he was never as smart as hermione and he was never as courageous as harry but, he was clumsy and kind which is what i liked about him, can't forget his shaggy orange hair, chocolate brown eyes or the freckles that danced all on his pale skin, i found him absolutely perfect.
We made a list of rules before anything actually happened..
1. nobody must know, everything that happens stays between us
2.we don't interact outside of the room of requirements unless partnered
3. do. not. catch. feelings.

yeah... it was difficult, i wanted to speak with him and still be his friend out side of our weekly hookups but i guess he just saw me as an object.. i've already broken rule three though, how could i not? So when i walked into the room of requirements to meet ron this friday, i was hurt to say the least. graced by the view of the ginger boy on top of lavender brown, sucking her face off while their hands down each others pants in OUR spot. I ran out of the room, tears staining my face. was i not good enough for him anymore? did he think my body wasn't attractive enough? was i loosing my sexual touch? was i no longer good in bed? why didn't he feel the same way? I run into the gryffindor common room with tears running down my cheeks and small whimpers leaving my mouth. I ignore the concerned looks of my other housemates and storm into the girls dormitory, flopping down face first on my bed. there was no stopping the tears, i cried for so long that it put me to sleep so when i woke up, it was past twelve, everyone sound asleep.

i decided i wanted to sit in the common room, maybe open up a book and read it by the fire to distract my mind from earliers incident. I sat there and read, the only sounds were the crackling of the fire and the soft flipping of the pages, that was until i heard someone coming down the stairs. i didn't think much of it until i saw it was him. he looked tired, worn out and quite upset.

he looked over at me "y/n" he spoke softly, taking a seat in the red velvet chair across from me. "where were you today? i was waiting for hours" a frown appearing on his lips. "oh so i guess lavender brown wasn't enough for you today? you needed me to come and finish you off because she couldn't? i'm not just a fucking object for relieving your sexual pleasures, i have feelings too, i'm a fucking person." i said, my voice raising and tears threatening to spill out of my eyes. he opens his mouth to speak but i cut him off "no, you know what ronald? you're a piece of shit. i really fucking liked you, i wanted to talk to you and become your friend so you could actually talk to me and relieve stress through your words, not sex. i want to be with you so badly, i thought you were different from other boys. you seemed so sweet and caring around other people but caring people don't invalidate other peoples feelings and use them just for sex." tears now flowing down my cheeks. "y/n i-" "no don't speak now ronald i'm not done. i was so in love with the thought of you that i kept up with our stupid hookups, it somehow made me feel like you actually cared for me, the way you'd hold my hips or caress my cheek telling me how beautiful i looked underneath you. but no, you're just like every other boy. treating girls like a pillow with a vagina, something that makes you feel good for time being. i loved the thought of you so much, i wanted you in my life as more than a fuck buddy but i see i'm easily replaceable." i wipe the tears off my cheeks.

"fuck you ronald, don't ever speak to me again, you're dead to me."

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