Chapter 14 - Rosé pregnant !?

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This skips to few weeks later-

Rosé POV
I was alone in the dorm since everyone else had their schedules and I'm free today. While I was laying in bed scrolling through my phone, I suddenly felt like I was gonna throw up and went to the bathroom. When I thrower up, nothing came out. I suddenly had thoughts... I wasn't pregnant right!? I immediately went to take a pregnancy test pack. (Idk how she had it-). A few minutes later, I saw the results and... it' positive. I was really happy, but then I thought about Jimin. Will he accept this child? I looked at my belly and sighed... I remember that our 4 year anniversary is the day after tomorrow. I suddenly thought of telling him that I was pregnant on that day. Suddenly, I heard someone came home. I quickly throw the test pack and rushed downstairs. I saw the girls (the other 6) sitting in the living room. I decided to tell them first and let them help me tell Jimin and the boys.
"Oh, unnies and Lisa, you're back," I said
"Oh hey chaeyoungie, ye- we're back," Jihyo unnie answered
"Unnies, Lisa, I need to tell you guys something..." I told them
" what is it?" Jennie unnie asked
"I'm..... pregnant," I said, closing my eyes. It took them awhile to respond.
"Oh my god!!! We're going to be aunts!" They shouted at the same time.
I was shocked but still nodded. They all went to me and hugged me.
"Rosie, we're so happy for you, but did you told Jimin about it?" Jennie unnie asked
" I haven't and since our 4 year anniversary is the day after tomorrow, I was planning on telling him and the boys that time. Can you help me?" I explained
"Of course, we'll help you at all cost😊" answered Jisoo unnie.
" thanks unnie, and btw can u close your eyes for a while?" I told Jisoo unnie
She nodded and I looked at the girls who nodded too and went to get the cake that I bought when no one's home.
"Unnie, when I count to three, open your eyes ok?" Nayeon unnie told Jisoo unnie
"Ok!" Answered Jisoo unnie
"Happy Birthday!!!🎉 " we all shouted once she open her eyes.
She looked surprised but smiled afterwards looking happy. We sang happy birthday to her and told her to blow the candles
"Thank you girls, this is the best birthday ever!" Said Jisoo unnie excitedly
"Of course! We all planned it!!," Lisa said proudly, which made us all laugh. We gave our presents to Jisoo unnie and everyone gave her different dresses from each of the brand we're endorsing. She felt really happy and sometime later, the boys came home. They smiled at us and greeted Jisoo unnie happy birthday while apologizing for not being here while she blow the candles. She forgives them and we sat down and talk. While doing that, I noticed that Jimin wasn't paying attention and he is just looking at his phone smiling. I sighed softly, wondering if he remember our anniversary or if he will accept the baby or not. We talked until evening and went to our rooms to take a bath. Me and Jimin walked into our room. He didn't even spare a glance at me and went to the bathroom. I watched as he walked to the bathroom. I shake my head and went to the bed and told YG sajangnim. I thought he would scold me or tell me to do abortion, but surprisingly, he felt happy for me. I smiled. Once Jimin came out of the bathroom, I rushed into there because we all are going to a fancy restaurant to celebrate Jisoo unnie's birthday and it's Jin oppa's treat😊.

*skip to when they are all ready*

*skip to when they are all ready*Outfits;

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The 7 boys' suit

Jennie and Rosé dress

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Jennie and Rosé dress

Nayeon and Jihyo's dress

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Nayeon and Jihyo's dress

Nayeon and Jihyo's dress

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Lisa and Momo's dress

Lisa and Momo's dress

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Jisoo's dress

(Ignore the women in the photos)

We arrived and all we did there was celebrating Jisoo unnie's birthday again and talked about our collaboration.


Happy birthday to our Jisoo unnie ❤️ I hope you all like this chapter😊🙃

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Happy birthday to our Jisoo unnie ❤️ I hope you all like this chapter😊🙃

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