Heartbroken!? Part 2

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*meanwhile at Rosé side*

No one POV

She ran and ran until she reached Han River. There she cried, while holding her tummy.

"Babies, I don't think your father wants you, but I will take care of you properly," Rosé told her babies in her tummy (she knew she going to have twins, a boy and a girl because she did a check-up the day before the anniversary and she is already 3 months pregnant. *weird right😅*)

She cried and decided to just live in her house until her babies are born. She informed YG and he agreed because of her problems and told her to just pack her things.

*at the dorm*

The others went home and realized that neither Jimin nor Rosé are there. They decided to check their room, only to find Jimin crying and Rosé nowhere to be found. Suddenly, they heard the door open. That didn't surprised them, but Jimin running towards the front door shocked them. When they went down, they saw Jimin crying while hugging Rosé while she is trying to let him go. They immediately notice they something is wrong with 2 of them. They watched as Rosé is trying to escape from the hug until...

"STOP HUGGING ME! IT WON'T CHANGE MY MIND ON US GETTING A DIVORCE!!!" With that, Jimin immediately stop hugging her. Everyone else were shocked because it's so rare to see her shout and what shock them more is that they are getting a divorce

"Both of you, sit down on the couch and explain what happen right now," ordered Jin and Jisoo sternly

They both went to the living room and everything and Chaeyoung also told about her moving out, but not where she'll be going. With that, she left to her room to pack her stuffs. Jimin also followed her to probably stop her from moving out. After hearing the story, the others are completely speechless.


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