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" It's been a long, long time since I memorized your face. "


JO WAS SITTING quietly in the dorm room. It was mid-day, still, the light from outside had yet to reach the dark area which she stayed at. She didn't really mind it though. She almost liked the darkness. Darkness meant relief and that was all she sought.

"As-tu vu la lettre?" A voice asked behind her. She turned her head and saw Mila lying on the bed next to the door. Did you see the letter yet?

Jo blinked. "Quelle lettre?" What letter?

Mila stared at her with a certain look. "Elise l'a mis sur ton oreiller hier" she mumbled. Elise put it on your pillow yesterday.


"Oui." Yes.

It was a bit scary how fast Jo actually lied to her friend's face like that. Yet something told her that she didn't really care for the matter. It was only some words on a paper after all. How important could it be?

Besides; she had other things to worry about.
The memory of Will came every now and then, yet somehow remained distant. She hadn't seen him in nearly five weeks after all.

Maybe it was just the loneliness that seemingly got her to question herself, or maybe it was simply the truth that became clearer-

Do you want him Jo- or are you just scared?

It wouldn't surprise her. The things people do for their own sake nowadays. To simply feel seen in times where people barely notice you. William noticed her. That's what she wanted, wasn't it? But that didn't mean it was right. It didn't mean he was the one.


Whatever it was, it wasn't fair. Because Jo was young, and not in the position to question her feelings. Those feelings were unreadable. For she still thought that love was by chance and that words were affection; perhaps that's why she was suffering so greatly. Because there were no words of value between her and Will. Just stupid letters, kept hidden away in drawers, only to be forgotten and never spoken about.

Which in her eyes seemed worthless to fight for.

"De quoi s'agissait-il?" What was it about?

Jo was brought out of her thinking, once Mila spoke up again. She stared at her rather obliviously.

"La lettre?" she mumbled and Mila nodded. The letter?

Why were they still talking about this? Jo thought.

"Oh, ce n'était rien," she brushed off, much to her friends' displeasure. Oh, it was nothing.

She wasn't lying though? Jo didn't know what was inside the letter. It might as well have been nothing.
Or was that selfish of her to say?


"Tu es belle aujourd'hui," Julian's raspy voice mumbled as Jo was quickly stuffing her medical tools inside her brown bag. You look nice today.

Jo glanced over at him, humming to herself. She could tell that he was half asleep as the space in between his eyelids was threatening to close.

"J'ai mal à la tête," he spoke up again, scrunching his nose. My head hurts.

"Peut-être que tu devrais manger quelque chose," she said, lifting the bag from the table and placing it on the floor. Maybe you should eat something.

 𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐀 𝐖𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐍 | | 1917 Where stories live. Discover now