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" I still dream of you, you know. "


APRIL 10th
The Second Battalion


JO HAD TURNED HER HEAD when she heard the gentle footsteps behind her. Julian's face had dropped slightly and he now shamelessly stared up at the person standing there.

When she actually saw William, everything felt weird. Almost a deja vu type moment, leading her to wonder if everything they went through was real after all.


Eyes were met, and a hint of curiosity betrayed her otherwise casual gaze. William stayed quiet, staring at her, knowing that he wasn't nearly as good as hiding his expressions as she was.

There was something in those eyes.

"Qui est-il?" Jo could hear Julian's voice behind her, but she didn't answer. Who is he?

"How are you?" William then asked her, forcing himself to speak, already regretting his decision.

Jo turned completely, now her body fully facing him as she sat on the same chair as earlier.

"I'm good," she answered, pressing her lips together.

A silence fell between them. And that would have lasted a lot longer if Julian didn't nudge at Jo's dress. One gentle time and then one slightly harder when he wouldn't get her attention.

"Me diriez-vous?" he asked. Are you going to tell me?

Will looked down at the man in the medical bed and stared at him for a second. A plain look upon his pale face. He didn't recognize him, but by the language, he was speaking Will figured that he was french as well. He could have thought about it more if he had wanted, but then again, there was Jo.

"Allez-vous nous excuser?" she mumbled to Julian, frowning for a moment at him. Will you excuse us?

She didn't wait for an answer, but got up and took a step closer to Will. She heard a grunt behind her, but ignored it.

"Come," she told Will softly and walked towards the end of the tent.


The air was chilly and the sky was a smokey grey. Will let out a heavy breath and put his dirty hands into his pockets. Jo crossed her arms behind her back and straightened her pose.

"Did you finish your duty?" she asked as they were walking on the small path leading nowhere in particular.

"I- yes," William answered. Staring in front of him with her on his right side. He thought back to it but stopped himself. He knew it wouldn't lead him into a good place.

"And are you feeling alright?" she continued, giving him a side glance.

He blinked. "Well, I'm not dead yet."

She nodded, the ends of her mouth pulling upwards slightly.

He carefully took in her expression, yet lost control of his own just so slightly when he felt her hand travelling up to his forehead, removing the strands of hair there, now leaving the bruise quite visible.

 𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐀 𝐖𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐍 | | 1917 Where stories live. Discover now