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We arrive outside my dads shop in no time. Screeching to a halt my dad and Peter, my other brother, come running over.
"What the hell dotty!" I dad yells covered in grease and oil.
"Who is that?" Peter asks pointing to my unconscious passenger

"Where is Johnny?" I pant jumping out of the car.
"I'm here?!" Johnny yells from the gate as he runs up to the car.
"What on earth happened?" Johnny asks as he and Peter drag my passenger out of the car.

My back seat is now covered in blood!
"Just get him up to the loft! Johnny can you fix him?" I ask
"He needs a hospital!" He grunts as he and Peter drags him up the stairs.

"It's not safe I'll explain later, I need to hide the car so I'll meet you up there!" I yell, I head back to the car and hide it inside the garage.
Running up the stairs I can hear moans and groans.

"He's been shot in the abdomin" Johnny explains.
"I need to remove the bullet in order to repair the bleed" Johnny says as he rips the mans cloths to get to the wound.
My dad runs to me worried
"Have you been shot at? Are you hurt?" He says examining me

"No He jumped in my car like that, he was being chased that's why can't go to hospital they know where to find him" I explain but my brothers are not impressed

"Why is this our problem?" Peter pipes up, he is always grumpy though.
"Just, help him please" I beg with my puppy dog eyes.
"Hold this here Pete, dad I need hot water and rags, dotty I need you keep an eye on his breathing and pulse" Johnny orders and we set about our tasks.

Johnny uses the hot water to clean his tools from his kit and pours my vodka over them. He sticks his finger in the hold to find the bullet
"There!" He gasps, grabbing tweezers and pulling out a shiny bloody bullet.

Iv never seen one before, but then the passenger begins to moan and cough. I hold his hand and stroke his head
"It's ok, please stay still" I whisper. He opens his eyes and groans in pain
"Whats....your....name?" He pants squeezing my hand when it gets too much.

"Dorothy but people call me dotty. What's yours?" I ask
"Nish....Ada" he replies
"Nishada, we got the bullet out we are just patching you up now" I whisper stroking his hair.

It's soft, and shiny, and I get a big waft of his shampoo. His face is nicely shaven, he looks same age as Peter. He is kinda handsome, his hands are rough, and there is a tattoo on his wrist that looks like it may go all the way up his arm.

Now that I think about it, his body where we had to expose is covered in tattoos, like one big peice, I wonder what it is?

"He needs blood, he has lost a lot of blood here" Johnny says as he stitches up the wound. Where the hell we going to get blood from!?!
"What blood type are you?" Johnny asks him

"A positive" Nashida answers
"Well that's you dotty and the boys, I'm o positive" my dad answers
"I'll do it then" I answer
"I forbid it!" Peter yells
"It's only blood Pete, I'll be fine" I yell at him
"Then I'll do it!" Pete yells rolling up his sleeve.

"Pete, I'm sorry mate you can't" Johnny says
"Your liver and the....." my dad tries to explain to him but I think he gets it. Pete was a alcoholic, he's been clean 6 years now but that's only because if he drinks again he will die.

"It's ok Pete" I hug him as he stands annoyed at himself and annoyed at me.
"Besides Hes grumpy as it is, hate to add your grumpy ness to the mix" I joke and he chuckles slightly.

I sit next to Nishada and Johnny adds the catheter to my arm then to Nishada. I watch as a dark red fluid moves along the tube from my arm to his.
"How long does she stay like this?" Pete asks nervously

"About an hour" Johnny answers as he gives Nishada a shot of pain killer, I assume, then starts cleaning up everything.
"You did good baby girl, I'm proud of ya" my dad says putting a hand on my shoulder. The guys leave me for a while while they clean up and lock up for the day.

I'm sat looking at my phone and texting when Nishada starts to move
"Don't move or you could pull this out" I yell trying to keep him still

"What's going on" he groans then notices the tube connecting us
"You lost a lot of blood" I try to explain
"So your giving me yours?" He asks in amazement

"Well....yeah you need it" I reply confused. Nishada inspects his wound that is all stitched up and has a dressing on it.
"Don't touch it or you could pop a stitch" I scold him

Nishada lays back down and takes a deep breath
"I thought I was a gonner" he rubs his face with his hands pulling on the catheter. I lung forward to stop it from pulling out and I end up leaning over him

"Your just like a Tennyo" he whispers then he touches my face
"Erm....Thank you I think" I assume a Tennyo is something good. I go to sit back down and no sooner Johnny and Pete come barging in

"Where is dad?" I ask
"He's gone home, mom wondering where he is" Pete growls as he looks Nishada up and down.
"So care to explain why you jumped into my sisters car shot!" Pete stands tall as to try and intimidate Nishada.

"That is not our concern bro" Johnny answers as he unhooks me from the catheter then Nishada.
"You will need to rest for a while before you can move freely" Johnny says to Nishada.

"Dave is out all week, work thing so he can take my bed and I'll take Daves" I reply
"Why do you go to daves bed?" Pete asks
"What is by chance Dave comes back early, and finds a strange man in his bed" I reply.

"Ok let's get you to Dotty room, slowly" Johnny says as he and I help Nishada to stand. He hisses in pain and leans on us as we help him to my room.

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