The Bloody Passenger

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In most stories you find daddy issues, family problems, deaths or runaways.
Not me! I lead a simple life, my dad and eldest brother are mechanics, mom recently got a job at the local nursery, my other elder brothers (twins) one has come back from service abroad in Africa, Army Medic but he is on leave at the moment and the other is a forensic analysis for the police department. I have one younger brother who just started high school, he really likes his gadgets and computer stuff. Yes I'm the only girl but I was treated the same as my brothers so as you can guess I'm a bit of a Tom boy. My brothers say I'm a fermented sperm that went wrong.

Me... I have no idea what I want to do, I wanted to be a vet and studied veterinary care but could not find a job, so I bounced around jobs.
Over past 10 years I have been a teacher assistant, kennel maid, dog groomer, health care assistant, receptionist, and a bouncer at a pub but nothing ever stuck.
So right now I'm a taxi driver. It's not bad, I kind of like it, the people are usually nice and the pay is regular. I have no love life, only ever had two boyfriends in my 29 years of life, I have my own little apartment (yay) that is situated above the garage my dad and brother works at (boo) and my brother David is my flat mate (double boo). However my family are all close by, we are all really close and nothing exciting ever happens.... Ever!

I thought when I'd be telling this tale, it be short and sweet. Like I find a husband, we get our own home, have lots of kids and then I die of old age. Kinda boring really, but I was happy with that, nothing wrong with having a simple life. Hey but don't doze off on me yet, because EVERYTHING in my life changes, and not 100% for the better. It's crazy how one simple decision can change someone's world.

Like my decision to take my break outside of a park so I could watch the birds while I ate my cheese sandwiches. I don't normally stay in my car during lunch but it was a cold December afternoon and the feet heaters were keeping my feet warm. Combined with the Christmas coffee from the local coffee drive through I was in heaven.

The door to my Darcia Sandaro swings open.
"DRIVE!" a Asian man yells at me as he slams the door. I panic
"Erm....where....what." I'm figuring how I start the already running car, my brain has gone into fart mode.
"DOSENT MATTER JUST MOVE!" He yells again. I hit the gas and without looking I'm speeding down a residential road heading to the main road. It's not far till I stop at some lights
"What are you doing!!" My passenger sounds pissed
"It's a red light!" I yell back

"You don't stop in a car chase!" He yells down my ear. I was going to argue back, but I notice in my rear view mirror two black cars urgently pushing their way through to get to the front. Feeling uneasy, I time when I know the lights are about to change, I step on it and with sheer luck a massive lorry just miss us. I decide to head to the motorway as there will be no lights there. I signal to turn off and my passenger is yelling at me

"Why are you signaling!" He yells
"It's habit and you know it's the law!" I yell back getting annoyed myself.
"Why did I have to get in the back of a woman driver" he says holding his head and side
"Do you want me to pull this car over!!" I yell annoyed at him, he just tuts at me.

I pull over
"What are you doing?!" My passenger yell frantically from behind
"Either you apologise or you can get out!" I huff, folding my arms in protest
"What! Are you joking?" He yells
"Does it look like I'm joking!" I growl at him. From behind the two black cars are getting closer by the second

"Ok ok ok I'm sorry ok please just.....ah" he holds his stomach and I realise he is bleeding.
"Shit! Seat belt on NOW!" I yell, as soon as he is buckled in I speed off. I get onto the motorway where I can speed up to the outskirts of the city. Swaying through the lanes, I keep my foot down for about 6 miles when the turning I want appears. Almost causing an accident I shoot through some lorries and I squeeze my way to the junction. Our pursuers missed the turning and I double back on myself hoping to confuse them I head back on the other side to head back to the city.

"I think we lost them" I pant. Looking back my passenger does not look to be in great shape.
"I'm taking you to the hospital" I claim then a bloody hand grabs my shoulder
"No, they....will there" he pants, I rummage through my brain to think of a solution......

" SIRI ring Johnny" I command, my phone comes to life and a ringing sound can be heard from my car speakers.
"Dotty what's up?" My brother answers
"I need your help, no questions asked just be at the garage in 10 minutes ok, bring your medical kit" I keep it short and sweet then put the phone down
"Where are you......taking me?" My passenger asks in pain

"You need a doctor so I'm taking you to one" I answer. I don't hear a reply
"Hey answer me or we go to the hospital!" I threaten and I can hear a small chuckle
"You like to threaten me" he whispers with a little chuckle

"Well your not making my job easy you know, new territory" I explain trying to keep the conversation going. What I really want to ask is what happened? Why are you hurt? Why were you being chased? Why my car? A lot of whys really but I don't think he will answer.

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