Double Date

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At my parents house a text message buzzes on my phone. I forgot I had it in Nishada jacket, as I open it up a cold chill runs down my spine.
'He will bring death to your doorstep' it reads.
I check the number and I don't recognise the number, and so I text back two simple words 'fuck you'.

I rush down stairs to check out of the windows for any suspicious people lurking around. Dave notices my nervousness.
"What's wrong?" He asks
"Nothing, just paranoid" I reply, I dint want anyone to panic. It was probably a hoax or something. There was no reply so I left it as that and went to bed.


The next few days are a blur. I heard nothing from Nishada, typical. No random threats and Pete is finally allowed back home.
To help out iv been taking Aiden to his play group and looking after him for a couple of hours each day. I love spending time with him, it beats my regular taxi job any day.
Pete is in the dog house at the moment over the debts, so he is taking more hours at the garage, and with Daisy being almost due she finds it difficult to move with Aiden.

Iv taken Daisy to one of her scans, and dropped her off at home.
"Are you sure your alright with Aiden?" She asks before exiting the car
"Sure I'm sure, you go and rest, I'll keep him tonight. You and Pete need to work through some stuff anyway" I reply.
"We sure do, thanks Dotty I owe you one" she says before leaving and wobbling to the house. I decide to take Aiden to the park then ice cream. Pulling up at the duck pond it's quiet which is how I like it. A bag of seed in hand Aiden wobbles over to the ducks holding my hand.

He is quickly getting the hand of walking, in fact he is even trying to run now before he has even mastered walking. He drops onto the floor and starts to pull out handful of seeds and tossing them at the ducks. As I crouch down beside him I notice a man walking towards us. His face is covered which is odd giving it's a warm day. I get slightly nervous as he walks closer to us, but I try to ignore my paranoia. Just as he reaches us he pulls something out of his pocket and I panic.

Grabbing Aiden I get ready to run to the car, when I turn I run into someone.
"Nishada!" I yell almost pushing him down. The man who was walking towards us seems to have put his hands back in his pockets and walks right by us, Nishada watches him till he walks out of sight. Nishada looks nervous.

"Can I catch a lift home?" He asks, not looking at me, he still has his eyes in the direction the man had gone to.
"Ssssure" I nervously answer, taking the hint it is not safe here. Once Aiden is secure in the car I begin to drive and Nishada seems to relax once we start moving.
"How have you been?" He asks looking out the window.

"Fine" I answer, I dint know what else to say.
"Where am I taking you boss?" I ask realising I don't know where he lives.
"I'll tell you where to go......cute kid" he adds looking behind to a sleeping baby behind him.
"Hell yeah he is, he is related to me you know" I joke, which causes Nishada to laugh.
Nishada seems to be thinking of something and texts someone on his phone. A short while later he finally speaks

"I'm actually looking after my niece in a few hours, how about a double date" he asks, and I'm kind of shocked at the idea.
"Date? Niece? Huh?" I try to get my words straight as I try to fathom what this double date would entail.
"Yeah, take this next right we are almost there" he says finishing off a text and putting his phone away with a big smile on his face.

As I pull up to a modern house on one of the nicest part of town I see a familiar face waiting at the door.
"It's that woman?" I accidentally yell out. Nishada looks at me confused
"She was being harassed months ago and I gave her a lift home" I explain
"That my sister" Nishada chuckles
"Small world huh" he adds before exiting the car. The woman spots me and after handing over the baby to Nishada she comes running up to me.

"How have you been?" I ask
"I can't believe it's you who my brother......" she is cut off before she could finish
"Makoto....." Nishada calls to stop his sister from finishing.
"Oh yes, I must go see you" Nishada sister skips away with a big grin on her face. As I walkover to Nishada carrying Aiden Nishada seems to be looking a little red.

"Well, come in and make yourself at home" Nishada welcomes us in, taking our shoes off at the door. A play pen is already set up in the guest room, inside you walk straight into a living room full of glass windows. I can see a outdoor pool on the patio overlooking a field. A stand alone fireplace stands in the centre of the room, everything is clean and polished, not a single thing is out of place.

A sword is displayed on the far side of the room, with a ruby red hilt and gold thread tassels. It looks old and expensive, but it draws you in wanting to touch it. The tips of my fingers graze along the top and it was like you can feel how old it is, I dare not touch it further. However Nishada noticing what I was looking at grabs the sword like it was nothing and pulls the blade out.

"This has been pasted down my family for centuries, it was given to one of my ancestors by the emperor........" Nishada explains as he shows me the blade, and I just look at in awe. He offers me to hold it
"No no no, I'm afraid" I take a step back not wanting to damage it with my clumsy hands. Nishada, chuckling, walks behind me and puts the blade in my hands and he holds my hands. His arms around my waist I can feel his breath on my neck.
"It was made to last, it won't be so easy to break" he whispers sending my senses in over drive. I take a gasp of breath as he slowly swings the blade in some sort of samurai style movement, but all I can focus on is his body heat on my back. It was then I realised I'm in trouble.

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