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As I begin to head outside with Nishada Johnny comes running behind us
"Please let me take her place, she can't....." Johnny pants out of breath but Nishada cuts him off
"A deal has already been made" he says coldly, some of Nishada men come out of their car and stand either side of me as if to make sure I don't run.

"She is just a kid, you can't..." Johnny yells in frustration but Nishada cuts him off again. They begin to argue outside the hospital and people are beginning to whisper and some start to phone the police.
"Johnny it's fine, I'll see you back at home" I try to move forward but a hand grabs my shoulder
"Get your hands off me" I snap, the men in suits don't look at me, their eyes are on Nishada, he nods at them and they let me go.

"I don't appreciate being man handled" I growl at Nishada, I walk past him and grab Johnny by the arm to take him to one side
"I don't like this" he whispers eyes still on Nishada
"Neither do I but, he paid Petes debt" I whisper back, unsure on what I'm suppose to do in this situation
"Just find out what you can off Pete, maybe there is a loop hole or a way to get the money ok" I whisper and Johnny nod
"We'll get through this ok, don't let him do anything your uncomfortable doing ok" Johnny hugs me. His warmth makes tears run down my face. I quickly wipe them away to put back on my brave face.

Nodding I head to Nishada car, his men opens the door to the back
"I thought I was your driver?" I ask confused
"Not today, I'll take you home for now" Nishada explains urging me into the car. The leather seats creak as I sit on them, everything is finely polished, Nishada sits next to me at the back and the two men in suits sit at the front as they begin to drive.

All is silent at first, Nishada presses a button and a black screen begins to rise blocking his men from view. Once it is shut Nishada pulls out a white cloth from his pocket and hands it to me.
"You were very brave today, I'm impressed" he says almost as a whisper. I look at him confused about the objective is the cloth, chuckling he wraps his index finger with the cloth and begins to wipe my damp eyes.

"You don't have to be brave anymore ok, your safe now" he says almost sweetly
"Am I?" I whisper, unsure as to why his behaviour has done a complete 180.
"Are you afraid of me still?" He asks as he cups my face forcing him to look at his deep warm eyes, I feel all strength leave my body.
"Iv never been afraid of you" I reply, causing Nishada face to contort
"DONT lie" he growls making me jolt
"At the boat, you would not come near me, and just then you jumped" he angrily whispers as so the drivers at front won't hear

"That was not fear, I was...surprised" I answered as calmly as possible
"I dint know if you were real or not, why were you there? Why did you pay Petes debt? How did you know?" Questions start to roll from my mouth, I feel like a had hundreds of them.

"I paid to ..... I wanted..... to help .... you" Nishada struggled with his words, but eventually said what he wanted to say
"Why?" Was all I could ask
"Because....." Nishada looks at me nervously, again trying to find his words, I wish he would just spit it out.
"Why?" I ask again tears filling my eyes again, Nishada wipes them away with his thumbs, I beg with my damp eyes for answers.

".........." he kisses me, his hot lips brush against mine and I can't help but return the kiss. My whole body heats up with desire, I want him. Deepening the kiss he pushes me harder into the leather seats, our breathing becomes a mesh of pants and moans, which arouses us more. He trails his lips down my neck to my collar bone sending my body to arch in pleasure, a moan escapes me as I let him pull aside his coat that I'm still wearing exposing my shoulders. His tight fitted T-shirt rolls slightly as my hands explore his tattooed body trying to find flesh.

Just as my breasts are about to be exposed .....
"Jōshi, mondai ga arimasu" I voice rings from a little speaker close by. Nishada presses a button beside me and growls under his breath
"Sorehanandesuka?" His voice deep and animalistic
"Sakini mishiranu kuruma ga arimasu" a voice replies. Before Nishada can reply there is a loud bang and the glass breaks beside us causing me to scream.
"GET DOWN" Nishada yells shoving me down low, he covers my body with his and he begins to fire his gun out the broken window.

The screen separating us from the driver shatters and I can see the two men slumped in the driver and passenger seat, they are dead. Panic raises in stomach as Nishada continues to fire at whoever is outside.
"Climb out the other door and stay down" he yells as me, I crawl on my stomach and follow his order, opening the back door a fall out and curl myself into a ball on the other side. All I can hear is gun shots, the smell of smoke fills my lungs as I try to get my bearings.

I see a building straight in front of me, and in my panic I dart for cover
"NO DOTTY" I hear Nishada behind me yell before I'm tackled to the ground.
"Got you little bitch" a man growls down my ear as he tries to pin my arms behind my back
"GET OFF ME" I yell as I try to wiggle free. Nishada grabs the man by the scruff and throws him off me, before another man hits him from behind. Nishada falls to the ground yelling in pain.

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