I Made A friend

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Y/n pov

I was walking when this blond girl fell face first in front of me

Y/n: hey, you okay

I gave her my hand as she took it and stood up

???: thank you

Y/n: no problem

Then I started helping her pick up her things when she began pouring my back

Y/n: what's up

???: I'm sorry I'm lost at the moment. Do you think you can help me out

Y/n: sure where are you going

She wanted me to show her where the church was, so I did, and to make the walk less awkward, I started talking with her

Y/n: so are you a tourist

???: actually, I was just assigned to the church in this town

Y/n: so you a nun, huh? Well, that explains the uniform

???: I'm glad I ran into someone kind like you; I guess someone is looking out for me

Y/n: there's always someone

Then I looked at her cross and got this weird sensation

???: Is everything alright

Y/n: yeah, totally ( the hell was that )

Then the sound of a kid crying broke me out of my trance, and the nun seemed to be already trying to help him

???: a big boy like you shouldn't be crying over a scrape. Don't worry; you'll be fine

Then a green light form the nun covered the kid knee, healing it

Y/n: whoa, she can-ugh!

I grabbed my right arm out of shock; the feeling I had when I looked at her cross came back but even worse this time

Y/n:( okay, something not right )

???: all done now, sorry

Y/n: yeah, no problem

I kept walking with her to show her the town's church, but I couldn't get what happened to my arm off my mind. It was like my arm was telling me to run

???: you must be surprised

Y/n: you could say that, but it's quite cool you can heal people

???: thank you. I consider it to be a gift and a blessing. Truly... It's wonderful


???: hey, there it is!

She saw the church on the hilltop, and when I looked, the feeling I had in my right arm covered my body as if I was going to die

Y/n: (weird I've never seen anyone up there before)

???: let me thank you properly, would it be a problem for you to come inside with me?

Y/n: sorry, I have to make sure my dog is feed. My parents won't be home for a while

???: oh, that's okay; I guess I should go too. It was sweet of you to help me find my way. My names Asia Argento

Y/n: y/n l/n and you a very welcome

Asia: y/n, meeting you here was a blessing. If your ever bored, come by and visit me at the church, that's where ill be.

Y/n: sounds nice; I'll take you up on that when I get the time, okay

Asia: sounds nice

I walked away waving back, and I couldn't figure out what that feeling of danger was, so when I got back to the clubhouse, I asked the president

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