Young Devils Gather!

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Nobody pov

y/n: Holy Rich People!

Xenovia: whoa this place is enormous

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Xenovia: whoa this place is enormous

Asia: this is where your family lives rias

Rias: yep

The door opened and grayfia walked out

Grayfia: welcome young miss we have been awaiting you

The peerage walked into the mansion as maid and butlers bowed as they walked in

Asia: y/n im really nervous

Y/n: can't blame you

???: rias! You're finally home!!

A redhaired child came running up to Rias hugging her

Rias: I've missed you millicas, my you've gotten big since the last time I saw you

Y/n: so who's the kid your little brother

Rias: not exactly he's my brother's son, now be a good boy and introduce yourself

Millicas: okay, my name is millicas gremory its a pleasure to meet you

Millicas: okay, my name is millicas gremory its a pleasure to meet you

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Asia: so cute

Xenovia: devilish looks and good manners talk about prince charming

Y/n:( Huh, I wonder who Sir Zechs hooked up with to spawn this little guy )

Grayfia: excuse me, the lady awaits you please come in

The kid ran in as the group followed him

Millicas: rias and her friends are here

???: my, such poor behavior

???: my, such poor behavior

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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