I Guess Im Not Human Anymore

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Y/n pov

Y/n: wait, hold on, master?

Mom: y/n wake up. It's time for school

Y/n: crap, my mom!

Then I started grabbing my clothes and putting on my pants

Mom: I'm coming up there, and if you aren't at least 90% dressed, there's going to be a promblem. Do you hear me

Y/n: I know I hear you, ma. Hey, you might want to get dressed too, you know!

Then I heard her footsteps getting closer and closer, so I grabbed my blanket

Y/n: quickly put this over you!

I threw my blanket over her but tripped over my bets sheets and landed on top of his, and that's when mom walked in

Rias: good morning. How are you today

Mom: good, but can I ask you a question

Rias: of course

Mom: did he pull out

Y/n: don't answer that

Rias: well~

Mom: oh my finally ground up, son


Mom: oh, I have to tell your father

She slammed the door and left downstairs, celebrating

Y/n: goddamn it

I got off her and stood up, putting on my clothes

Rias: it's quite a party here in the morning, isn't it

Y/n: sorry about that, but can you put on some clothes

Rias: Ok, fine

She got up and started putting on her underwear but only that

Rias: so how's your tummy feeling? You know the place where you got stabbed

Y/n:(wait, how does she know about that? Wasn't it just one of my weird dreams)

Rias: it wasn't a dream, love,

Y/n: and you can read my mind, great~

Rias: your body is fantastic; I didn't expect to heal overnight. You took quite the lethal blow

Then she started putting on her bra

Rias: could you do this for me

Y/n: Yeah, sure

Then I helped clip her bra on

Y/n: so why am I naked

Rias: I just told you your body couldn't heal on its own, so I needed to use my magic; it only works if we make skin contact

Y/n:( I don't even remember ) oh yeah, speaking of which, did you say something about being a devil

Rias: that's correct. That's because I am one. I also told you I'm your master; I like the name y/n ill let you keep it

Time skip

On the way to school, rias decided to walk to school with me, and people couldn't stop staring

???: there no freaking way!

???: She had to have done her homework or paid her or something!

???: why is she hanging out with that weird guy? What is he supposed to be cool now

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