The Key To A Maidens Heart

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Y/n pov

Inside the shrine, I was sitting across from the angel who was heaven's top dog. I still couldn't shake the fact that I knew him from somewhere

Y/n: so why am I here

Michael: for this

A light shined and a sword was floating in front of him

A light shined and a sword was floating in front of him

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Michael: behold child this is this holy sword

Y/n: okay but why is it making my skin crawl it can't like seeing the Excaliburs

Michael: well it would be strange for you not to feel anything when in the presence of this sword, this particular holy sword has earned another name

Y/n: what is it

Micheal: dragon slayer


Y/n: dragon slayer, that's some name

Michael: it is a name the previous wielders quite capably earned. Many dragons fell to the power contained in this blade.

Y/n: that's would explain the uneasy feeling I felt

Micheal: fear not y/n l/n for this weapon was sent unto from on high

Y/n: you're giving it to me

Micheal: indeed, I hope that you might assimilate it into your boosted gear. I've heard about your reputation as one of the strongest hosts in history and it is my hope Ascalon would help you in your most troubling times

Y/n: thanks for the compliment, but why give the dragon slayer to a dragon

Michael: hear me, child, the time has come for all of us to work together. Or die trying. The Great War ended large-scale fighting but, as you know, we still have small skirmishes. If this is allowed to continue all will be brought to ruin. A different Power May may attack Us in all of the confusion.

Y/n: another faction

Micheal: there are more things than Heaven and Earth than are dreamed of in our philosophy. And this upcoming Summit will provide us with a great opportunity.

Y/n: for what

Michael: for the three great powers to forge an alliance. To put an end to years of Senseless fighting. Long ago we all came together and fought as one. We had to end the destruction caused by the red and white dragons' Battles

Y/n: you really did cause a whole mess didn't you

Ddraig*it was a good fight*

Michael: I beseech you O Red Dragon Emperor. Please. Help align the goals of the three great powers

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