I'll Make A Man Out Of You

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Nobody pov

The next week everyone gathered around a chained room in the school

Y/n: so this is it

Rias: yes, last night my brother asked me to release the seal and let the bishop out. I don't know why but the bishop refused to leave

Akeno: such a shame, considering the child used to be the largest earner we had

Y/n: the shut-in kid was your largest earner

Kiba: yes, he did it all on a computer making special contracts

Xenovia: so his power must have been fairly dangerous

The seal then unlocks as the chains vanished into thin air

Rias: alright let's see how this goes

Everyone walked in only for a little girl to start screaming

Y/n: I think I lost some of my hearing

Rias: hello glad to see you doing well

???: I don't understand, what's going on

Rias: the seal had been broken, you're free to come out

???: no I don't ever want to leave, the outside world is too scary!

???: no I don't ever want to leave, the outside world is too scary!

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Y/n: huh another girl, looks like we still outnumbered Kiba

Kids start to laugh along with the others

Y/n: something I missed

Rias: the child is a boy

Y/n:...(rubs eyes) This kid

Rias: yes

Y/n: this blond

Rias: yes

Y/n:...I think I need my eyes checked

Rias I realize he may look like a girl but he is most definitely a little boy. Everyone say hi to Gasper Vladi the other bishop in my household a half-human half-vampire

Y/n: wait he's like a true vampire, like "bleh bleh bleh, I want to suck your blood" kinda vampire

Xenovia: they don't say that y/n

Y/n: and how would you know

Aisa: even I know that y/n

Y/n: alright kid spill it why are you over here crossdressing what's the point

Gasper: oh, well I just thought the clothes were cute

Y/n: so he's kinda weird

Rias: hey gasper why don't you come with us outside now? Okay?

Gasper: I don't wanna; please don't make me

Y/n: dude, not a request let's go

Y/n grabbed him as Gasper screamed vanishing

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