The Acclaimed Battle Continues

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Nobody pov

Kiba and y/n were in the school gym equipment room resting up

Y/n: hey Kiba, koneko really did try her best

Kiba: of course, that's all we can do in this situation

Y/n: no... we're gonna win this and get revenge for koneko. And im personally gonna smack that smug look off riser's face

Kiba: I can't wait to see it

Rias* Kiba, y/n do you read me?*

Y/n: loud and clear

Rias* Good, I'm launching a sneak attack on the base with Asia. I want you to draw as many of the enemy away from the entrance as you can to buy us time*

Y/n: you sure it's safe

Rias* I'm left with no other option I was planning on letting akeno time to recover so she could blast them one by one but now rise of sent his Queen so I need her Focus there*

Kiba: I understand, but don't you think it's too risky to have the king leave the base

Rias* any luck Riser will be thinking along the same lines. Here's hoping that we can take him by surprise. If we can strike him strong and hard enough we might just be able to take the fight out of him his body may be immortal but his heart is not. And trust me, I will have no problem whatsoever breaking that Devil's black heart*

Y/n: alright then guess we're kicking some more ass

Kiba: let's cause some mayhem

The two left the gym equipment room and walked outside toward the track


Then someone was laughing as the wind kicked up and a dust cloud gathered before dispersing

Karlamine: I am karlamine a knight in service of lord riser! To be perfectly honest requesting to be attacked by us make me question your sanity although

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Karlamine: I am karlamine a knight in service of lord riser! To be perfectly honest requesting to be attacked by us make me question your sanity although... Far be it from me to refuse an idiot is Reckoning

Y/n: you got this

Kiba: I got it

Kiba then walked inform of y/n

Kiba: I am Kiba Yuuto a knight in the service of rias gremory, I've been looking forward to facing another knight! can't wait to get started

Karlamine: very well said en garde knight of rias gremory

They spirit towards each other at high-speed, clashing blades.

Y/n: yeah not getting in the middle of that

Isabella: your gonna be too busy anyway

Isabella: your gonna be too busy anyway

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