°Prolouge/ Chapter 0°

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Hello! If you follow me (which you really should) I had made this story a x Male Reader. I wanted to change this because I wanted a different story where I could change aspects of the plot to fix with my OC's. In this story it will feature 2 OCs'. I hope you enjoy reading! This will have lots of swearing in it btw.
Name: Todoroki Enyo (En-eee-o)

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Height: 172.72cm (5'8)

Weight: 56.0kg

Sexuality: Gay

Quirk: Water manipulation- Enyo can manipulate the state and movement of water. He can control all aspects of it, this includes; solid ice, steam, mud, sweat, tears and blood. The subcategories of his quirk takes up more energy to manipulate. He can also heal people but that takes up a lot of energy. (Basically imagine Katara from ALTA)

Drawback(s): If used for too long Enyo can get really dehydrated and pass out. Controlling more viscous things takes up more water.

Personality: Enyo is not like is brother. He's more of the friendlier twin who will engage in conversation if you speak to him. Although he suffers from depression he hides it very well with a perfect smile on his face. He uses his smile as a way to conceal the fact that he feels bad all the time.

Interests: Enyo is good at a lot of things, being intelligent, being able to play the Violin and also figure skating. His figure skating is something to be proud of, he has one many competitions over the years trying to impress his father, Enji. But his father always snaps back at him and says. "Who cares about some stupid dance competition. Your brother can do much better." But he keeps trying.

Looks: Enyo is called the odd child in family. As he has Pink hair as opposed to the white and crimson colour hair in the family. He has one heterochromic eye going in a swirly pattern in his left eye a mix of blue and brown and his right eye is blue. His hair is long enough to tie into a small ponytail. He has a slightly paler skin tone to Todoroki but it is unnoticeable.


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 Fashion style: Enyo is definitely a contemporary person when it comes to style

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Fashion style: Enyo is definitely a contemporary person when it comes to style. He has much more style than his brother. He prefers a more monochrome palette.

Story code
The story code goes as followed.
(Bold words are Author notes-A/n)
Italic words are thoughts
~^~^~ are timeskips
Underlined words are POV changes.
*Words with stars are sounds*
⚠️'s are TW's (I'll normally write what ones they refer to)

Enyo POV

It's been 9 years since what had happened. Shoki got his scar, I got mine, Mom went to a mental hospital, Toya 'died', my quirk went out of control and dad put more pressure on Shoki and me. I feel more alone than ever. But I know I have to keep smiling if I wanted to become a hero. To others it seemed that I have everything, a big house, big family, good friends, amazing quirk and cool talents. But the thing is I don't feel like I deserve any of them. People say I'm just humble, others say I'm selfish for not embracing them. But my quirk especially gets my family on edge, I can control water yes, but I can control other aspects of water as well, including blood. My family found out the hard way.


"GO AWAY!" I shouted to my mother after she seared the top layers of Shoto's skin. I ran down beside him with a glass of water and moved the water over his eye, the water started to glow and footsteps could be heard down the hallway. In a matter of seconds, Fuyumi and dad were standing in the doorway of the kitchen. The sight that was seen was a horrific one at that. A crying mother fearing for her life. A her small son wincing, not at the pain but the fact that his own mother had done this to him. Another boy trying his best to help his brother and be just like a hero.
"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM WOMAN!" Dad shouted across the room to our mother. I couldn't hear the rest as Fuyumi had escorted us to another room. Shoki and I were sitting on his bed. He had an super cold ice-pack on his eye. I could hear Fuyumi say about taking Shoto to hospital. It was settled then, police had come for mom, I had to stay home with Dad and Natsuo as Fuyumi took Shoto to the hospital.

A few hours passed and I was still home with dad, he had gotten more agitated after a phone call he had with Fuyumi about the burn. I was in bed but I could still hear the almighty roar and hot flames coming from dad. I had to freeze the moisture in my room to stay cold. Then my door slammed open and my first reaction was to hide, so I did. Dad had grabbed my arm forcefully and dragged me through the house into the garage, where he proceeded to burn my whole left arm, from the tips of my finger to my elbow.
"Because your brother got a burn, it's only fair that you should get one as well. Your twins after all." I could hear the sick and twisted tone in his voice, it still haunts me today, together with the smile he gave.

After a few more rounds of beating and punching and burning it finally got too much for me. I was bruised, cut, burned and exhausted. Father had dragged me once again through the hallways and into the main room where the others stood.
"What did you do to him!" Fuyumi shouted.
"Toughened him up a little. Plus, he can heal himself!" Dad snorted before tossing me to Fuyumi. That was it. I snapped. I had stood up, right in front of dad.
"Heh... your still standing. Not for lo-!" The Pro Hero Endeavour had stopped in his tracks. He was bound tightly in a pencil position. The rest of the family didn't know what to do, Shoki was scared and for once Dad was.
"Feels different being controlled....Hm? Old man." I smirked.
"P-put me d-down th-this instance." Enji had managed to get a few words out before his body started to twist and turn in directions that weren't humanly possible. *crack* the mans bones started to hurt, I could tell it in his eyes.
"ENYO PLEASE STOP! YOUR GOING TO KILL HIM!" Fuyumi yelled. Just then I felt what I was doing, I immediately let go of Dad as he gasped for air. After that it was all a blur. Apart from one thing I know for sure.

"If you promise to never use your blood skill. I promise to never use my fire. For mom?" A slightly older Shoto put his pinkie finger out waiting for me to reply.
"For mom." I replied.


Hello! I hope you enjoyed the prologue of the story! I wasn't sure about posting it but if you find it then thanks for reading it. And about this other oc I was talking about. You will find out about them in the future.

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