°Chapter XXIX°

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Hello! Sorry for my absence I've been on vacation for a bit and I couldn't find the time to write! Hope you enjoy this chapter!


Shoto Todoroki POV

I'd heard what had happened with the Villain attack and that they were after Bakugo and Enyo, no wonder he was all shaken up with it all. Was it right for me to leave him like that? I don't know, although I'm worried about him I need to save my own ass, and the bastard that thinks he's the best person out there. Speaking of which? Where is he?

Enyo POV

It was dark, I could hardly see a thing. Was I dead? I didn't think so. I felt like I was in a prison. I tried to stand and walk but I was chained to the floor. I heard mumbling from somewhere. Suddenly there was a blue light, it started to form a figure. Looking at the figure I noticed it was my brother. His eyes, his white hair and his scars. I saw his tears evaporate before they hit the ground. His mouth seemed to have been stapled shut. I was shaking with fear at this point. Just then I heard talking.

Todoroki POV

At this point, I was very concerned about my brother. The people we were up against were incredibly strong, especially the one with the fire quirk. There was lazar that managed to make the magic man loose three of the orbs he had, me and Shouji jumped for them. Shouji grabbed Tokoyami back. I was too late to catch the other two. The one known as Dabi grabbed the others, Bakugo and Enyo.
"Such a shame, can't wait to have conversations with your brother. Shoto Todoroki." The words he spoke ran through me like a bell.

He walked back into the portal.
"Confirm and release them." Dabi spoke.
"Let the other one go?" The maskless man asked.
"We had a deal Mr. Compress." The black haired male snarled.
"Of course." This Compress guy clicked his fingers, Bakugo had appeared but not Enyo. I tried to run after him but Midoriya beat me too it. Then the portal closed. My brother had been taken away by a villain.

Mr.Compress POV

I had to admit, interviewing Bakugo was rough. I was glad to see that Dabi wasn't enjoying it as well. He signalled for me to follow him as we both left the room. After a short walk we ended up in a small room.
"When I tell you, release the boy and the chains he's attached to." Dabi said, coldly.
"Sure, whatever." I replied.
"Now." The other man said, I did as I was told to do, releasing the terrified child. "Now leave us, we have things to discuss.
"Alright, have fun." I left the room.

Enyo POV

I blinked, I was in another dark room, chained to the wall, in front of the man who scarred me.
"How are you Enyo?" The man spoke. I didn't reply. "Come on now, this isn't the way to speak to your big brother."
"Your not my brother! Your a monster!" I huffed.
"I am your brother, I just wanted to celebrate today." Dabi sat in front of me.
"If you are my brother, how'd I get my quirk?" I smirked and looked up at him.
"You used it on dad when you stood up to him, almost killing him in the process." He stated.
"What about... What did I say to you when I came back from my first day of elementary school?" I had a flashback to all of the times me and Toya together.
"You said, "Please don't tell dad, I already like someone." Then I asked who and you said. "He's a boy." We pinky swore on that we wouldn't tell anyone about it." My mouth was open. "See, I do remember."
"Toya? Is it really you?" I looked at him, I saw a slight smile from him.
"Yes it is me. I wanted you to know, if you thought I'd left you, I hadn't. I was following you growing up, I got to see you grow into the person you are today." Toya said.
"That's lovely and all but I have one question." I said, Toya nodded. "Why'd you hurt me you fucking bastard!?"
I launched towards him but was pulled back because of the restraints. Toya moved closed to me and scooped me into a hug.
"I never wanted to hurt you, the Pussycats were in my way of looking out for you, after taking them out I saw you tried to put up a fight, I tried to hold back but I couldn't." I tried to scratch and hurt Toya as best I could, I tried my best to kick and punch him but I couldn't bring myself to do it.
"Does 'he' still...Y'know...." The villain asked.
"Not as much as before but he still says nasty stuff, mainly about me." I stopped trying to hurt my brother and just fell into his hug.
"If you joined us in the villains, maybe it won't be so bad. We could finally get revenge on him. You can stop hurting, because I still haven't stopped hurting yet and I know your going through it now." In the dark room I heard my brother get choked up by those words.
"I want the pain to end." I cried.
"Join us then." Dabi let go of my restraints and gave me his hand. Suddenly there was a huge crash. Dabi grabbed me and pushed me to the main room. I saw everyone had passed out from the impact. Suddenly, Dabi had let go of me and fell to the ground. I saw Allmight and Bakugo standing there. The man on the ground grabbed to my foot.
"Don't go." He muttered. I kicked my foot into his jaw.
"Get fucked bastard." I said.
"Endeavour! Your boy is here!" Allmight shouted. Suddenly, lots of different creatures appeared, they looked horrific.
"Stay close Young Todoroki." The number one pro hero said.
"I'm getting the fuck out of here." I jumped though the hole in the wall. Suddenly, I felt something fill my lungs. Black sticky stuff emerged from my mouth, I fell to the ground, I saw my dad try to pick me up but I was encased with the gunk. My eyes became blurry.

Really hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thanks a bunch for reading this book so far, see you in the next one!
Word count: 1100

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