°Chapter V°

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Hey! Just going to say, thanks for reading! I'm feeling rather happy and not depressed for once. I have so much work to crunch through and it's not sitting right. Anyways, Enjoy the chapter!
Enyo POV

After Barricading myself in the Bathroom I hid. After a minute, I emerged from the room and everyone seemed to have gone back to the cafeteria. It was weird, something didn't sit right. This has been way too coincidental to be a drill. Still, I couldn't help but wonder. I was thinking for a moment before I heard a voice.
"Enyo?" Turning to the voice I noticed it was Shinso.
"O-oh, hey." I smiled.
"It's time for class, we should get going." The purple haired boy grabbed my hand and started to walk, blushing I stumbled after him. When we got to our classroom Shinso looked at me with an awkward look. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck, I know that look anywhere. Shit.
"Get in the classroom." Shinso urged.

After the day had ended, I shot home, without Shoto. I have plans. This way I could get into the hero course! It was genius. All I had to do is train my ass off, train so hard that there was no possible way I couldn't get into that damn course. Cementos said it after all.

"Todoroki, Shinso. Stay behind after class, I just want to talk." The human brick said. After everyone had left the classroom Cementos advanced towards us.
"Boys, I know you both eagerly want to get into the Hero course." Cementos sighed.
"Y-yes sir." I stuttered.
"True." Shinso grumbled, tired from today.
"There is a way." It felt like god had just come down and gave me a new life, "I'm not supposed to say this but, In a few months time, there is going to be a sports festival, where Students show off their talents to the world. There is a possibility that you could move up into the hero course. Train enough and it's guaranteed."

End flashback

That was it, every day I would run off into the forest and train my ass off till I'm on the verge of fainting. Giving myself more energy to power through and heal myself quicker. Especially working on my technique.

U.A / Day of USJ / 08:30

Today I was in the 1-A classroom, or atleast heading to it. Shoki had forgotten something from home and I had to bring it to his classroom.
Meeting the door of the 1-A classroom, I knocked on it three times before it opened. Opening it was a boy with Yellow hair, he had a black stripe through it.
"How can I help, cutie?" The boy smirked. Leaning on the side of the door. It was quite funny. Giggling I replied,
"Is Shoto Todoroki in your class?"
"He might be, what do I get in return?" The yellow-haired boy smirked, advancing towards me.
"Get away from him." A stone cold voice called out, it made the boy in front of me flinch. I recognised the voice anywhere. Turning to my brother I looked at him. "Are you ok?"
"Yeah I'm fine. You forgot something." I showed him the bag I was holding, taking it from me, I heard another voice come from somewhere.
"Where'd you get the boyfriend from Todoroki?" Looking down I saw a purple creature stare up at me.
"He's my twin brother." I stated. The purple thing stood back and awkwardly apologised. I giggled a bit, it made most of the boys in the room blush, uncontrollably. Looking back at them, the people sitting down had one leg crossed over the other, some were covering up with their bags, others didn't care. Great. I've given most of the men here boners. Thank you dearly quirk.

I had heard that 1-A was going to a special place called the USJ. It was apparently 'hero stuff' according to Shoki.

About an an hour after I had left the classroom I felt like something wasn't right. Twin instinct. Something isn't right. I can feel Shoto, somethings wrong. I had a panicked look on my face, Some of my other classmates noticed this and pointed it out to our current teacher, Present Mic.
"Hey! Todoroki? Is everything alright?" Mic asked from the front of the class.
"It's 1-A. I think somethings gone wrong in the USJ. It was where they were supposed to be training." I said across the room.
"I'm sure they're fi-!" Present mic was Interrupted by The principal, mouse. Nezu.
"Present Mic- there seems to have been an incident at the U.S.J. All three teachers have been harmed. Student injury detail unclear." Nezu huffed.
"I knew something wasn't right!" I shouted. All my classmates looked at me in shock. "Is my brother ok?"
"Students must remain in their classrooms at all costs." Nezu shouted before running out of the classroom.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck." I mumbled to myself. I wish there was something I could do at this point.

After a gruelling and tense hour, we got the news that everyone was ok. We were free to go. Before I went home I went to my training spot. While I was training I spotted something out of the ordinary. It was getting dark too, it looked as if to be a blue flame. A blue flame. That reminds me of Toya. Walking home felt tense. It felt like someone was watching me. As scary as it was I made it back home safely.

Walking into my house I could see that no one was awake. I sluggishly walked towards my room. Opening my door I saw my brother sitting on my bed.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Could ask the same thing." Shoto replied.
"I went for a walk." I said, setting my things down. "You?"
"Waiting for you." He responded.

Walking to my dresser I said.
"I could sense you were in trouble."
"Likewise. I could feel that you were worried about me." Shoki smiled, getting up and leaving my room.
"Cya." For some reason I felt tension in the air. Like something was being hidden by Shoki.

I thought nothing of it so I took a shower and went to bed. That next week, the sports festival was officially announced to all of the first years. It was my time to shine.

U.A Class 1-A homeroom / Afterschool / 2:50

"Hey! Come on Enyo! It's 1-A!" One of my classmates shouted, pulling me towards the classroom. I sat on the railing behind the crowd. The door slammed open, the first thing I saw was a spiky haired boy with deep crimson eyes. He looked at Shinso for a second, said something, and then walked off. He looked at me and said.
"Half and half's brother. There's no chance you would be able to beat me in a fight."
"Bet?" I smirked. People looked over at our confrontation.
"Ok then. You can try and beat me in the finals of the sports festival. If you can get that far." This porcupine laughed. "Worthless extra."
"Let's go Enyo." My brother called out to me and we walked the opposite way to the boy.

Hope you enjoyed! I'm losing braincells. :')
Word count: 1217

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