Chapter Six: Things Of Her Own

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{A/N: Sorry this part isn't as great I spent most of the night trying to edit for the first time and threw this together}

"Hey Clarke, how'd you sleep?" Aurora asked as Clarke came down the stairs the next morning. The fresh smell of pancakes and bacon had woken her up, she'd never had awaken to such an amazing smell, it usual was the smell of vomit of her moms screaming at her.

"Great," she answered with a smile. Aurora handed her a stack of pancakes and Clarke began to dress them. Her mouth watered as she couldn't wait to take a bite. "Woah."

"Thanks." Aurora smiled and turned to flip the rest of the pancakes. Bellamy and Octavia weren't down yet, so Clarke assumed they were still asleep, it was the beginning of summer after all. "Alright, so I guess I need to explain a few things to you." Clarke looked up and waited for her to continue. "So during the summers and holidays I'm home, but not during regular school. Therefor, I send Bell and O off to a boarding school in Maine, which you'll now be attending as well."

Clarke mouth almost was hanging open, she didn't know if it was good or bad. Yes, there where some good things but she's never been somewhere so far from home. "Don't worry, you'll have some time to adjust here before you go. You don't leave until mid august." Clarke nodded and took the last bite of her pancake and moved to rinse of her dish. "Thank you Clarke."

"No problem, I'm used to it." Aurora gave her a sad smile. "Go ahead and go get dressed and hang out for a bit, O and Bell won't be up till 10 at least. Maybe we can take you to go get some things of your own."

"I'd love that." Clarke smiled again before heading back up the stairs, she doesn't even remember the last time she smiled this much. Getting upstairs she decided to call Murphy and tell him how everything was going.

     "Hey Clarke, how's it going?"

     "Good, I got put it this foster family with a single mom and two kids."

     "That's good, how are the treating you?"

     "Good, I have a room to my own and you'll never believe it."


     "They live off Trishana road."

     "The rich neighborhood?!"

     "Yeah it's great."

     "I bet it is kid, let me know if you need anything."

     "Oh and Murphy."


     "In the fall she sends her kids off the Maine for a boarding school, and ill be going with."

     "Well shit kid, I'll always pick up alright? Just don't miss me to much, and I'll be around till you leave."

     "Thank Murphy."

     "No problem kiddo."

     Clarke heard the call end and she got up to get ready, putting on fresh clothes for the day. She finished up and headed back downstairs where she saw O sitting at the counter. "Morning."

"Morning Clarke! Did you have a good night?"

"Yeah, it was pretty good."

"Well I'm glad it was. Did you hear we're going to the mall today?!"

"No, but I cant wait." O smiled and finished her breakfast, Bellamy emerged minutes later.

"Morning girls." Clarke nodded and pulled out her phone scrolling through whatever sunset pictures people had posted.


"Clarke what do you need?" Aurora asked as they pulled into the parking lot of the car.

"Ummm, I do have really everything I need?"

"Ok, how many set of clothes do you got?"

"I don't know, maybe like 4 days worth?"

"Clothes it is!" Clarke was very appreciative but she hated having people spend money for her. She scanned through clothes making sure it was affordable and didn't get to much. "Clarke, I don't care what you get or how much it is, I just want you to feel welcome. So whatever you like, try it on." Clarke nodded her head and agreement and let go a little getting something a few things.

Finally after a few hours of shopping they went to grab some lunch. "So Clarke, do you want to get anything for your room, school?" Clarke mentally smacked herself, how could she forgot about anything school related.

"The room looks great, but I don't have anything for school."

"That's ok, we can get you maybe a laptop now and then the rest when it's closer?" Clarke's eyes shot up 'a laptop?!' She's never had one of those.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes Clarke, we all want you to feel welcome and let lose a little. I want to get you everything you need, and don't."

"Thank you." And that was it, Clarke felt a sense of safety growing, it wasn't all there but it was nice. These people actually carded for her and wanted her to have to best. Even though she didn't like it, it was nice to have things of her own.

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