Chapter Twenty-Six: Bellamy

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     Clarke heard the door open. She turned her head hoping for the sight of green eyes. It wasn't.

     "Clarke? Are you okay?" Bellamy asked. Clarke's eyes were red and puffy from crying. She had a blanket wrapped around her like a cocoon.

     "No." She responded turning away from him.

     Clarke woke up to Lexa gone, no note, no nothing, just gone. She knew what it meant, but it still hurt. She had finally started to open up to someone. To really accept herself for the first time and it was stolen form her, by a brunette with green eyes.

     Clarke felt peace for the first time in a long time. And she couldn't go back to it. She wanted to hate Lexa for it, for finally letting her feel things and ripping it out from under her. But she couldn't.

     "What happened?" Bellamy set down his bag and rushed to Clarke's side.

     "Nothing." Bellamy took at seat and pulled Clarke into a hug.

     "Whatever it is, I'm sure it'll be okay." He whispered into her ear. Bellamy was there for her, Lexa was not. Everything that happened lead up to this moment, the moment where Clarke pulled back, looking into his big brown eyes filled with curiosity, and pressed her lips against his.

Bellamy didn't pull back but deepened the kiss, drawing Clarke in more. For a moment she imagined these rough lips against hers were Lexa's. She quickly pushed that thought out of her mind, they where Bellamy's, and she was enjoying it.

     The door opened and in walked Octavia and Raven, both of their jaws hitting the floor. "What the actual fu- heck, Clarke." Octavia changed her language noting her brother was in the room.

     "Bellamy leave." Raven gave him the death glare.

     "Fine, Clarke..." he looked down at her "We can talk about this later." He bent down and gave her one more kiss on the lips, Clarke accepted it gratefully.

      "What the fuck Clarke," raven smacked her on the head.

     "What?" Clarke shrugged.

     "What do you mean what! We leave you with Lexa! And we come back to you kissing my brother!!"

     "Lexa left me, and your brother was there. Lexa was a mistake, Bellamy isn't."

     "What happened you to accepting yourself?" Raven asked.

     "That was before." Clarke answered. She stood up moving towards the bedroom, hoping to get out of this conversation.

     "Before what Clarke?" Octavia demanded.

     "Before she left me." Clarke responded over her shoulder. Then shut the bedroom door behind her. Both raven and Octavia weren't going to have this, they stormed into the bedroom.

     "So why were you swapping saliva with my brother then?" Octavia asked.

     "I didn't realize it before but I like him, he nice, sweet, and cute."

     "Don't you think this is awful quick?" Raven questioned.

     "Nothing happened with me and Lexa... there's nothing to move on from." Clarke's replied.

     "Whatever Clarke." Both the girls left the room.

     "What's the plan?" Raven asked.

     "Lexa...We need to find Lexa."


     "Knew she would be here," Octavia whispered. They were back at the dock, Lexa sitting at the edge.

     "Lexa!" Raven yelled. Lexa turned around, fear covered her face, before she quickly changed it.

     "You have some explaining to do." Octavia said. Both girls moving closer.

     "I'm a shitty person, who deserves to rot in hell." Lexa explained.

     "Yeah you are. But we walked in on Bellamy and Clarke smooching. So whatever you did fucked her up if her senses are that bad." Octavia was furious. She couldn't stand Clarke getting hurt. She's had enough for one life time.

     "Great, he  can be there for her." Lexa remained impartial.

     "You should be." Raven told her.

     "I can't."

     "Why not!" Both the girls said, simultaneously.

    "Because..." Lexa trailed off.

     "Lexa, we're rooting for you. Clarke needs you. Not some horny fucking guy. No offense Octavia," Octavia shook it off not taking any offense, but agreeing. "Get your shit together woods, don't play with her. We'll work on this Bellamy problem." They didn't wait for Lexa to respond, they turned around walking away.

     Of course, lexa wanted to run to Clarke. To hold her hand, to kiss her, to tell her everything will be alright. But they didn't understand that she couldn't, she couldn't bring her life to Clarke, Clarke  needed someone nice, normal and who can make her happy.

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