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You had no idea what was happening with you today. normally when you wake up in the mornings you were happy and in a good mood. but today was the opposite. you woke up and you were moody.

 adam tried cuddling you like normal, but he noticed your mood and decided to leave you alone. you went to the kitchen and made some coffee hoping to calm you down, but you were only more mad when you found out you don't have any.

 adam just sat on the couch watching you get mad over little things. he felt bad for laughing, but he couldnt help himself.  you walked by the couch and rolled your eyes.

 then adam felt like he did something wrong, but he knows he didn't. then it hit him, you were hangry. eventually you started talking but you had an attitude. 

''can you like, stop staring at me?'' he laughed and you rolled your eyes. ''what are you laughing at?'' ''nothing baby nothing.'' he didn't know what to give you to calm down so he texted toast cause that was your bestfriend. 


dude...help...she's planning on murdering me😳

I see it in her eyes😳

brunt piece of toast😎

calm down what's going on?


she's hangry and I don't know what to feed her

you've been her bestfriend for 5 years what do I do!?!

brunt piece of toast😎

how hangry is she from a scale of 1-10?



brunt piece of toast😎

damn dude um go buy her ice cream, sweet tea, and maybe some ice to chill her out for once


lmao what does sweet tea do?😆

brunt piece of toast😎

makes her sweeter duh lol

and if that doesn't work, send her to me and I'll send her to a mental hospital 😉


lmfao thanks you brunt piece of toast😁 

brunt piece of toast😎

you're welcome dumbass😎



so he went to the store and bought you things that will hopefully make you happy. ''where the hell were you!?'' he picked you up and sat you on the bed. ''your a asshole you know that?'' ''mhmm yeah I know now sit down and eat.''

 he gave you your food and you began feeling better. after you realized what you said to adam all day, you felt bad. when you were done, you apologized to him all day. 

''wanna tell me why you were being an asshole this morning?'' ''I just didn't sleep well. I've been under a lot of stress lately. and I woke up too early and it made me mad and I was being a dick for no reason. Im sorry.'' 

he hugged you. ''Don't ever do that again please, it made me kinda sad cause I felt like did something wrong.'' ''I'll try my best, but no promises.'' ''so I can make sure you're alright, go nap you tiny short woman.'' you huffed but went to nap


I did it, I tamed a beast😄

brunt piece of toast😎

wait, you actually got her to calm down!?!


yah wasn't that hard 

you've known her for 5 years and never got her to chill the fuck out?

brunt piece of toast😎

nope I always leave her alone or send her to Felix

you should be proud


I am very proud😌

brunt piece of toast😎

how'd you get her to calm down?


ice cream, tea, and I made that demon take a nap

brunt piece of toast😎



dunno lol

now if would excuse me, I have a tiny demon child to deal with

brunt piece of toast😎

couldn't be me lol


at least Im a smart imposter on among us😏 

brunt piece of toast😎

I really cant argue with that, bye asshole😂


bye you- I'll stop lmao

adam went upstairs to see you sleeping peacefully. he felt really proud for getting you to calm down. he shut the door to your room and went back downstairs. he sat on the couch and shivered. ''women these days.'' 


I know I said I was gonna take a break but I wanted to post a chapter before I do. 

for those of you don't know what's going on, go on my profile and look at my announcements

I wish you well for the days im gone

love you all

take care loves ❤

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