Arranged Marriage

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Your dad was one of the richest people ever. He was the CEO of multi-million dollar companies. Your mom was a travel nurse so she was hardly home these days. You didn't have to really do anything considering it was done for you. All of your food was cooked for you, everything was cleaned for you, your homework was done for you, you did absolutely nothing but exist and breathe. Sure you were allowed to go places but you had to have a bodyguard at all times. 

In your free time you would be in your pool or reading on one of the balconies. You were relaxing when your father walked in. "Y/n get ready you're coming to a meeting with me.'' You groaned. You were just trying to relax and now you're being dragged to a meeting? You got up and got dressed more modestly. You followed your father to his limo and stepped inside. "I know you're not excited to go but this is important. I'm gonna discuss what you have to look forward to so pay attention.'' You gave him your undivided attention.

 "Now you know you're heir to my fortune in case something happens to me or your mother. But that changes today. You're gonna marry the mob boss's son Milo.'' Back up. The mob boss's son? The one who torments you every chance he gets? Yeah no not happening. "You must be crazy if you think I'm marrying him.'' "Y/n you don't have a choice. If something were to happen to me he has to keep my legacy going. It was supposed to be you but it was changed.'' "He literally wants me dead. What makes you think he won't kill me when we tie the knot?" "Don't be silly y/n. And don't embarrass me when we get here or you'll lose privileges.'' You kept your mouth shut until you arrived.

The meeting was with Milo and the mob boss. You can see daggers in his eyes. He wasn't happy about this either. Guess the feelings are mutual. The meeting was going over who gets what and how the arranged marriage would work. They planned a whole big wedding to make it look believable. Everyone walked out and your dad made you stay and talk with Milo.

"I'm not happy about this either so you can stop glaring at me like you're gonna murder me.'' He let out a low growl. "You're my soon to be wife, I can look at you how I fucking please.'' How the hell were you supposed to survive an arranged marriage with this psycho? "since this marriage is arranged there will be no feelings attached. No saying I love you or anything like that. Got it?" You nodded. He didn't have to worry about you catching feelings for him. Or did he?

Day came of the wedding. You stood in the mirror looking at yourself in the dress. It was a beautiful dress but you didn't feel beautiful. Why did you have to be born into a rich family? More so why are you marrying a fucking psycho? You stood behind the doors holding a bouquet in your hands. Trying to convince yourself this was all just for show. Your father stood beside you interlocking his arm with yours.

 "Be on your best behavior. Wipe all that hate away off your face.'' You were angry at him as well but you knew the consequences if you acted out. Time came to walk down the aisle and you put on a fake smile. Halfway down the aisle you got a glance at Milo and he was smiling? The only thing was it looked genuine. I thought he said no feelings attached? You shook it off and got to Milo. You wanted to skip to the part where you kiss and it be over with but you had to stand there and listen to the priest speak. After his long speech he said the words you've been dreading. "I now pronounce you as husband and wife, you may kiss the bride.'' You wanted it to be a quick kiss. You leaned it and tried to kiss him quickly but he made it more than a quick peck. This man said no strings attached and yet here he is. You walked out together arms interlocked. A limo was waiting for you. You both got in and you had so many questions.

 "what the hell was that Milo?" He looked at you with a look of hate. "Have you heard of acting idiot? We had to make it believable. Don't get the idea I actually enjoyed that because I didn't. I've kissed better women than you.'' You sat there in silence until you arrived at your reception. You wiped hate off your face and replaced it with a fake smile. You walked in and people were clapping and congratulating you. If only they knew. You were able to get through the reception with no incident. 

𝖈𝖔𝖗𝖕𝖘𝖊 𝖍𝖚𝖘𝖇𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖎𝖒𝖆𝖌𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘/𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖋𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖈𝖊𝖘💀🖤Where stories live. Discover now