Stockholm pt.2

978 20 4

 recap: you woke up in a random bed, chained. only to figure out you were kidnapped by famous youtuber corpse husband. you didn't have anything, you had your phone, you couldn't make calls but you could use goggle: what does it mean when I start to trust my kidnapper? one word caught your eye, Stockholm syndrome.  



'Stockholm syndrome?' you read what it meant. there's no way you're trusting these guys. they kidnapped you how are you trusting them? you hid your phone in the room and went back to the living room. you looked out the window and played with your fingers. felix came back upstairs.

 ''you can watch tv, you don't have to sit in silence and do nothing.'' you moved closer to the couch and watched some random show. the front door opened and corpse came back. he sat by you and you scooted away a little bit.

 ''she needs to warm up to me..'' he whispered under his breath but you still heard it. you continued watching whatever was on tv. corpse glimpsed at the scars on your arm. he felt bad for taking you, but he couldn't stand seeing you get hurt like that. after a couple hours, you ended up falling asleep on corpses shoulder. 

when you woke up, you noticed you were leaning on corpse. you quickly sat up. ''s-sorry I-I-I'' ''y/n relax, you accidently fell asleep on me and I let you stay there.'' 'why is he being so nice to me?'  ''o-oh um thanks.'' 'wait a damn minute, am I really starting to trust him?'  ''there's a change of clothes on your bed if you wanna shower.'' ''t-thanks.'' you went to your room and dug around for your phone.

 you hid it in your bundle of clothes as you were walking to the shower. when you got to the bathroom, you turned the shower on to make it seem like you were showering. you opened your phone but realized you only have 20% left. 'might as well make the most of it'  you looked up stockholm syndrome to read more about it. there's no way you're getting stockholm.

 eventually your phone died so you jumped in the shower.  when you were done you went back to the living room. ''y/n I'm going to pick up something to eat and run some errands, felix will be home in 2 hours, will you be ok till then?'' you nodded.

 ''you can watch tv, but do not go to any rooms with closed doors ok?" you nodded again. he walked out and locked the door. you got up and decided to walk around. you walked back to what you now might as well consider your room. you looked around. there was really nothing but a dresser and a closet. when you were about to walk out, you saw a note sticking out from under the bed. you read it.

dear whoever is next,

you are not the only one. I was once chained to that bed. he claims he did it to help me. he stalked me, saw that my parents were shit. saw I had a tough family. I was on a walk in the park when I felt someone come up behind me. I woke up the same way you did. he also unchained me if I promised not to run. he also gave me free roam of the house. I was not allowed to go in those locked doors like how you are not allowed to go in them. he bought you clothes to shower didn't he?  he also cut service off your phone so you couldn't call or text didn't he? yeah he did it to me. after being there for months, I got stockholm syndrome. if you aren't sure what that is, its when you start to trust him. eventually I trusted him so much, he let me go. he made me promise to take care of  myself. he gave me service back on my phone before I left. I was a victim 2 years ago. there's no way out of that house. I tried looking. all those lock doors? those are rooms that I had to stay in if someone came over because I was reported missing on the news. I never told anyone my story. but all im telling you is, don't ask about leaving, he will make you stay longer. if you look under the bed, I found a charger for your phone. don't let him catch you. I hope you make it out soon. 

 -best of luck, victim 1

I knew I wasn't the only one...


sorry to cliffhanger you like that

I'm turning this into a book and the first two chapters will be the two chapters that I wrote here

pt.3 will hopefully be the last chapter for the stockholm series in this book

hope you like!

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