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grass. milo was scared of grass. When he was younger his brother told him that the grass would grab him by the ankle and pull him into the ground. since then he hasn't left the house. you've tried to get him to get over his fear but he just clings on you for dear life.

 you've sat and rolled on the grass to prove there was nothing wrong, but when the wind was blowing it in your direction, he grabbed you and locked the door. you kinda gave up on trying to get him to touch grass at that point. Sometimes he looks at the window and sees other people running through the grass, but panics when they trip or when its windy.

 "Hey love we're gonna go outside.'' his eyes went wide. ''NO." "Hey now, we need to get over your fear of grass. you're gonna never feel warmth again. and we're gonna lay down to show you its not that bad to lay in the grass every once in a while.'' you grabbed his hand and opened the door. he squinted his eyes like he was a vampire. he hesitated to step out but did anyway. 

''I don't like it. Take me in please please please.'' ''love you're already one foot out the door, you can do it.'' he took another step out until he was completely outside. he looked around. He hasn't seen the sun in years. you slipped off your sandals. ''take your shoes off you need to feel grass.'' he shook his head rapidly. ''baby its not that bad see?'' you ran through the grass like a little kid. 

milo sat on the porch and ran his hand over the grass. He realized  it wasn't so bad after all. when you looked up and saw milo touching the grass, you were so happy. he slipped off his shoes and socks and stepped on the grass. you could tell he was nervous but you were proud of him. 

since then hes's been trying to go outside every opportunity he got. ''milo its too hot to go outside.'' he pouted and gave you the puppy eyes. your weakness. ''milo..'' he kept pouting. you signed and gave in.

 He took you outside and laid on the grass. You chuckled as you watched him roll around like a little kid. he sat up like he got an idea. he turned and looked at you. you raised your eyebrow in confusion. he picked you up and spun you around. you started laughing so much your tummy hurt. 

Eventually you both got dizzy and collapsed on the grass still laughing. ''hey we should go inside. We can come back out later.'' you didnt get a response. you sat up and looked around. you smiled when you saw him laughing and smiling on the grass. although this might be an everyday thing, as long as milo was happy and enjoying himself, that's all you really cared about. 


*proceeds to make excuses*

if it was short im sorry I just wanted to make something for y'all to read 

and thank you to @Spn_Fam1 for giving me a bunch of ideas! :)

thats where i got this idea from but i changed it up a little

see you later lovelies <3 

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