snow day

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you woke up and the sun wasn't shinning through your curtains like normal. you got out of bed and saw snow outside. since it was still pretty early you decided to lay back in bed with corpse. you cuddled up closer to him because you were cold. 

''y/n why are you so cold. you're like a block of ice.'' ''its snowing outside and I'm freezing and you feel like a heated blanket.'' ''if you don't get your cold feet off of me, I'm gonna throw you in the snow.'' you didn't listen and you cuddled up more.

 ''you're spoiled you know that?'' ''yep I know. can we just stay in bed all day?'' ''I want coffee so no. and you need breakfast. and after that you're going outside.'' ''corpse its like 18 degrees.'' ''we are gonna act like kids in the snow. no if ands buts about it.'' you rolled your eyes playfully and went downstairs to make you and corpse coffee.

 when your coffee was done you just looked outside to admire the snow falling. you felt a pair of arms snake around your waist. corpse rested his chin on your shoulder and you rested your head on his head. ''this feels nice.'' ''mhm we're still going outside though.'' you laughed lightly.

 ''baby its too cold to go outside.'' ''please? I haven't been in snow since I was a kid.'' ''ok I guess it wont hurt anything.'' you guys went outside and you felt like a kid again. corpse crept up behind you and put snow down your shirt. ''CORPSE REALLY!?'' he laughed and you threw snow at his face.  ''woman you're gonna give me frostbite!'' ''you put snow down my shirt!!'' you guys spent most of the day just throwing snow at each other. eventually the temperature dropped so you had to go in.

 ''wanna make cookies with me?'' ''sure why not.'' there was mainly more you guys being goofy then actually making the cookies. ''baby you can't eat raw cookie dough. you're gonna get sick.'' ''but it taste good!'' ''baby put them in the oven.'' ''but-'' ''baby the oven.'' you rolled your eyes but put the cookies in the oven. you ate the remaining cookie dough.

 ''alright don't say nothing when you sick.'' ''I won't get sick corpse chill.'' he rolled eyes playfully. after the cookies were done you guys went to the couch and cuddled and binged watch a bunch of disney movies. ''baby do you love me?'' ''yes y/n I love you.'' ''will you binge watch criminal minds with me?'' you knew he hated watching that but he had to so you'll be happy.

 ''baby we watched it earlier can we watch something  else?'' you did puppy eyes. ''y/n don't do this to me.'' you kept doing puppy eyes and he eventually gave in. he sat as you cuss people out at the tv for being stupid. eventually corpse actually started to enjoy watching it. 

''alright well I think that's enough criminal minds-'' ''actually can we um keep watching?'' you were surprised that he wanted to keep watching so you let the next few episodes play. eventually you started getting sleepy and you fell asleep. corpse heard you snoring and turned the tv off. he carried you upstairs and laid you down in bed. he laid down with you and he fell asleep himself. you guys could say you had a good snow day.


it snowed in Texas so I though I do a snow day chapter!

sorry if it was short btw

more chapters coming soon!

I will start doing chapter request 

I know I said that last time but I've been caught up in some stuff

and i think y'all have notifications on for this story cause the second i upload a chapter, i already get like 5 notifications already so thank y'all for all the support, it means a lot!

love you guys❤❤❤❤

happy valentines day!💕

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