Part 3

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Elira's P.O.V

Mami, Babi!!!!!!!!! ( Yells)

I run to my mom and dad who are tied up to chairs and I see there are a few men surrounding us. I don't know what is going on but I will kill anyone who hurts my family.
But I am crying like crazy because they could have gotten hurt.
"Mami Babi a jeni mir, qa ndodhi," ( mom dad are you okay, what happened?) I said while crying my heart out. " We don't know baby girl," my father said to me. "I am going to get you guys out of here okay so please don't do anything," I tell them. "Alright," my mom speaks up.

"What the hell is going on? And what do you want? I have zero patience at the moment," I yell angrily.

"Look who decided to show up," The man in the corner says.

I recognized the voice and I started to back against my parents.

"Sinan Romano," I say agitated. " Oh how I am going to thank the lord for giving me a chance to whup your sorry ass," I say happily. " I would tread carefully with your words Miss Kodra, wouldn't want your parents to get punished or worse because of your actions," Sinan says in an dark and evil tone. " You chose the wrong person to threaten their family, because I will not hesitate to kill anyone who hurts them even if it means I die," I state with a serious tone.

" So come on Mr. Romano let's see how you can handle me, because you clearly couldn't at the club," I state with a smirk on my face.

"Sure, Miss Kodra maybe you finally understand why I have to hurt you," Sinan said.

I went straight to punch his piped stomach but he blocked it so I kicked my foot upwards and it hit him right across the face. I couldn't get too close because then he would find me weakness which is my neck. Sinan immediately recovers from my attack and starts to run at me and land a punch in my shoulder. I dodged but I didn't see his foot come behind me and flip me off the floor. I fell flat on my back which hurt like bitch . Not gonna lie. I got up on my feet with an aching back. I felt I was going to faint. I couldn't even try to take in my surroundings before I was put into a head lock which means he new my weakness from the start.

I couldn't breath because I am claustrophobic. I started hyperventilating and screamed and punched.

"Let me go, I can't breath, Ahhhhhh," I yelled through my cry's.

Sinan let me go immediately and ordered someone to pass him the sedative. I was heaving in the corner so that my lungs can get air. Sinan started to make his way towards me but I went and ran next to my parents and began crying in my mother's lap. I felt the needle pierce my shoulder and everything then turned black. The last thing I heard were my moms pleas to wake up.

4 hours later.......

My eyes started to flutter open and I winced when the light went straight into my eyes. This isn't my room. Where the hell am I? I pulled off the cover and immediately went to see if the door was locked. It was locked. The windows were bolted down so I couldn't jump, but I was never going to because I ain't that petty. Really like who jumps off a 5 story building just to run away. I wasn't worried about my life but the fact that I was KIDNAPPED.

"Hello anybody here, I woke the fuck up and tell me where the fuck I am," I yelled. Someone started to unlock the door and who do I see, Sinan Motherfucking Romano.

" Well hello bella ( beautiful in Italian)," Sinan said.

"Where the hell am I fucktard and what about my parents?," I questioned him

"First off, you better watch who you disrespect right now because I can put a bullet in your brain faster than you can even blink second . Your at my house and your parents are perfectly fine," Sinan told me in a serious tone. "What did I do to you that made you kidnap me? All I did was help someone who was at the door step of death because you were punishing him," I tell him. He started to make his way towards me."Well I like a challenge and you my dear are a very spectacular one," he said.

My mind BLEW into pieces

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My mind BLEW into pieces. Who the hell is he to think of me as a challenge. Bitch he has another thing coming if he thought that I was going to to be a submissive little slave.

I went up in front of him and started to draw patterns on his chest just like what he did to me in my office and I whispered in his ear," It's going to take lot more than a sedative to contain me." I quickly kneed him in his groin and uppercut him in the jaw. I also got a small vase that was on the vanity and smashed it across his head. I knew I fucked up but it's normal. He was on the floor groaning and cursing in a language I hardly think I will understand. I began running out the door and dashed around the luxurious hallway. I tied to open the front door but it was locked and then I heard footsteps and very large ones.

I knew I was definitely fucked. I came face to face with the man who I literally smashed a vase on. He didn't even say anything it but his eyes told me everything. He dragged me to the room I was locked in and locked the door behind him. He threw me on the bed which I desperately tried to leave. But no he had other ideas. He immediately hovered over me and trapped my body under his. "Let me go fucker," I said loudly. I tied to release myself by moving around and squirming but he just held me tighter and rougher but he claimed my lips to his and aggressively started to kiss me. I was going crazy because he touched me but I couldn't hold the involuntary moans coming out of mouth. After awhile, I kissed him back with same amount of dominance but Sinan quickly took over knowing he wanted to be in charge.

He started to play around with the silk belt of my pantsuit that held my jacket and took it off. I honestly have never felt this sort of lust come from my body before . He tied my hands to the bed post and continued to spread his harsh kiss towards my neck. He was like a wild animal attacking its prey's neck. I was pretty sure I was going to have marks all over my neck, but I wanted him now.

"Please stop teasing me," I moaned out loud. I couldn't stop  grinding my body against his to bring me some form of friction. Sinan chuckled and gave me one of his famous smirks saying, " this is your punishment sweetheart." He got off me leaving my very much sexual frustrated. Before he left my room, he says with a sadistic smirk on his face, " Welcome to the Italian-Albanian mafia zemer." ( heart but it sounds better in Albanian.)

What the fuck!!!!!!! My brain was sending so many fucking insults. I punched kicked and knocked out someone of the biggest mafia in the world. I am so dumb, why the hell did my Albanian common sense not come.

The sexual frustration that I got once before was now filled with fear and disgust. 

And he knew that.

What the hell am I going to do now? ........

I hope everyone likes my story !!!
If you like TVD and the Originals then know that you have a special place in my heart.

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