Part 14

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Elira's POV

There in all his fugly glory came Vincent. I honestly don't know why I helped maybe just because i wanted to seem nice.

But no the fucker turned out to be a fucking trafficker.

I could sense Sinan becoming tense because of his clenched fist and grip on my waist. It started getting painful so I had to stop him.

"Sinan let go your hurting me," I say. He turned towards me and let go. " So everyone knows the plan, Katarina I want you at the bar and if anyone engages a conversation with you including Vincent, don't come over to us engage in it as well until we spot you." Sinan states.

"Me and Leo will stay by the stairs and take out his reinforcements without anyone watching us," Alex says.

" Once the guest start to leave, me, Elira, Davien, Sienna, and Maze will surround the entrance so that we can get him we initiate our plan, got it," Sinan says.

"Got it," we all say.

As Katarina made her way to the bar, Alex looked at her with lust and adoration. I think Mr. American mafia boss has found his chosen one. But for a split second, I thought of my situation with Sinan. He is caring, funny, and handsome but underneath all that is the fearsome Italian mafia boss that is ruthless and dangerous. Maze and me always imagined our crazy mafia stories but never did we expect to actually get involved in any thing.

As I looked ahead I see Vincent walking towards Katarina and starts to flirt with her. If anything, Katarina would be a great temptress or seductress if she wanted to be. I mean her innocent yet elegant movements and features just added on to the list. Over to the side I see a bartender getting a drink ready but pops in a pull of some sorts and hands the drink to Katarina.

" Omg, don't drink," I say through the ear piece. She set the glass down and approached Vincent, probably asking him to dance. Which she did.

After another gruesome hour, the guests started to leave and we took our positions by the entrance, stairs and back.

"Going somewhere Vincent," Sinan taunts. " Home actually," Vincent states back. "Surely you didn't think that you could escape my grasp right," Sinan retorts. "

"That's it though, I have snipers all around the house right now and my guards are also present." Vincent says.

"You men these guards," Leo says while pointing at the pile of guards knocked out on the steps of the stairs.

"Hhahahahah no actually, I am taking about these ....." Vincent says with a hint of humor. All of sudden the ballroom doors were knocked down and a swarm of soldiers came into the room with guns being pointed at us.

I heard a growl emit off of Sinan as well as the other males.

Us girls huddled around the Gus and took our stances. I am so damn glad me and the girls were teaching Katarina some fighting techniques.

As if on command my body lunged when Sinan yelled...


I lunged for the guards who had the knifes and daggers out. Because of my quick speed, I managed to avoid getting knocked out because who the hell has time to get a bruise on the face. I kicked one guard behind his knee and kneed him the back. I took my dagger from the strap in my thigh and stabbed the other guard in his thigh. Hopefully they don't die. The boys are managing to take out the other soldiers. I spotted Maze and Sienna together and their fighting like a proud duo. Running up the body, wrapping their legs around the soldiers neck and flipping their bodies over.

I see Katarina getting dragged away and I quickly run over to help her. I roundhouse kick the female guard in the stomach. She falls to the ground but gets up very quickly. She lunged for me while getting ready to attack. I dodged her punch but did not anticipate the kick that came at my stomach. I grunted in pain. She took out her gun and aimed it at me.

"Sorry sweetheart, nothing personal," she taunts. I stare deep into her eyes and wait for the moment she pulls the trigger.

But she falls to the ground before she could do it.

" Seems kinda personal to me bitch," Katarina sneers.

"I got your back girlie," she continuous out of breath.

" me too," I say back.

Me and Katarina started running to the others and went and stood around Sienna and Maze. I saw Sinan getting his gun kicked out of his hand and stumbled back a bit. I hear me dress up a bit so that I could move more flexibly. I ran and kicked the door straight across the face before he could retract his gun.

" Your welcome boss," I say with a smirk. Sinan just gives me a light chuckle and sends out his signature smirk.

The guys were all fighting in the back but remained together. The guards surrounding me and Sinan didn't have anymore ammunition and resulted in using the daggers and swords across the ballroom walls.
Me and Sinan go back to back and hold our own knives and stand our own grounds. We give a nod to each other and start to fight.

Sinan disarms a few guards and gives me the opportunity to stab and knock out the useless soldiers. This went around for like 10 minutes until the guards were fully taken down. As we finished I ran into Sinan's arms and hug the shit out of him.

" I'm glad your okay," I say with my head burrowing in in his chest.

" Don't think I am that incompetent zemer," Sinan says back while rubbing my back.
As I bring me head up, I see a figure by the top of the building terrace holding a sniper gun thingy. I tense and immediately push my self in front of Sinan.

I feel the outmost pain coming from body as I feel myself fall. I look down at my stomach and see a red patch becoming larger.

"NOOOOOOO," Sinan yells out while catching my body into his arms.

" Hold on for me babygirl," Sinan says with worry etched on his face.

" I love feeling the sentiment value but you better take me to the damn hospital before i lose too much blood," I say hoarsely.

He chuckles and picks me up quickly which causes me to hiss in pain.

" Find that fucker and bring him to me," Sinan yells.

My vision is going in and out. I feel myself letting in the darkness.

Oh god.....

Y'all it has taken me awhile to finish this chapter. I had a writers block and didn't know how to write the scenes.

For the fight scene y'all can image a movie seen or something so that you have an idea of how the fight is big and dramatic.

Hope you enjoy!!!!!

Crazy yet Daring ( Mafia Love Story ) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now