Part 8

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Elira's POV
Once Leo said fight, I lunged at him but quickly ducked and hit his right leg with my foot. He stumbled a bit but doesn't budge from his stance. I then tried to punch him on his side but he caught my arm and twisted behind my back. That shit hurt but I try to turn my body where I can either jab him in the chest or stomp on his foot. I stomp on his foot , which causes him to release my arm with a groan. I kick myself upwards and Superman punch him in the face. He fell to the ground in a thud.

" ha it's funny you think you can beat me," he says while cleaning underneath his nose where a tiny bit of blood started to drip.

" Bite me bitch," I say in my stance. " Gladly," Sinan remarks. He lunges off the floor and grabs ahold of my arms and brings them behind my back where he shoves me to the ground on my knees. Sinan then places his leg on the middle of back and begins to pull my arms back.

I bite onto my lip so that the scream I have on the tip of my tongue doesn't come out. All I hear in the background are the girl's cheers to fight.

He brings his closer to mine and whispers," Give up." He just gave me my opportunity to hurt him. Then quickly I smash my head towards his and he let's go to hold his nose. We both get up but I felt fatigue. I quickly ran towards him and latched onto his arm and kicked my self upwards so that I can pull his arm into an arm bar. But he doesn't fall to the ground however he is carrying me on his arm while stabilizing himself on the ground with his feet. He isn't showing any bit of pain which is fucking scary because the arm bar can break someone's arm. Is he a damn robot?

Out of no where my body slams with the ground and I let go to hold my head and back.

"Ahhhhhhhh what the fuck man," I yell. "You asked for it so now I will end it," Sinan says in a very in an amusingly sickening tone. I hate this motherfucker because he already won since my body is in to much pain. He grabs my neck and puts me in an headlock which he knows is my biggest weakness. I tried to hold myself but I couldn't my phobia taking over my body, I tap immediately.

"And the winner is The Capo," Leonardo shouts. I scoff and go to the girls. " I am sorry I couldn't win," I say with my head hanging low." Bitch are you okay, what were those skills because never have I seen someone so quick on their feet other than my brother and Leo," Sienna says boldly.

" Elira what the fuck did you do to his arm because I can't seem to put it back in it's place," Leonardo shouts from the other side of the room.

I laugh so hard but I make my way towards them. " Move out of the way so that I can see what I am doing," I say. Leo moves and I grab Sinan's arm who isn't flinching at all. I place is arm on my shoulder and I grab his tricep and push his bicep inwards until I hear a crack or bones merging. ( I don't never had a broken arm before) " There it's finished," I say unamused. " " Okay now since we had our little battle I was going to inform you all that the the mafia ball is coming up in a weeks time so everyone get y'all shit together, Elira , Maze and Sienna will also be attending with me, Leo, and Davien my third in command," Sinan explains.

"Bitch and you say that know," me and all the girls yell. " Hello idiot I still run a company and I need to start working again so that nothing falls behind with my absence. I can't leave the work to my assistant because of my supposed 2 weeks break." I say.

" Then figure your stuff in the next two days but you are not to leave without Sienna or less than 2 bodyguards," Sinan says sternly.

"Ughhhhhh you are such an annoying stronzo," I say. Oh yeah I learned some Italian thanks to Katarina and Sienna.

Italian: Stronzo means asshole.

I left the gym room and went towards my room
hearing bickering from the gym.

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