chapter 4

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A/N: Thank you so much for all the love this story has gotten, I'm gonna try and hopefully update more often.
Warnings for this chapter include Torture, near death, and the usage of the F Slur.
Update, September 3rd 2021: changed Neelam's lisp and stutter for better accessibility

Draco was laying on his new bed, unable to sleep because of the city noise outside. He was thinking about if and how he will go to hogwarts this year. He's sure the knights bus would take him to kings cross, but what about school supplies? He doesn't have any money! Not to mention even if he could find a way to get supplies to go, he would not only be the laughing stalk amongst pure-bloods, but if his fath-
if Lucius found out that he had gone back, well, he didn't know if he would survive.

He tossed and turned through the night, before finally getting to sleep in the very early morning not long before being woken by Wren. He groaned as she shook him urgently "there are people here and they say they're looking for you, one of them says his name is Harry Potter? He said you would know him, and he said he wanted to apologize to you for something." He sat up in shock
'Potter is looking for me?' He thought 'it has to be some sort of trick' He got up off the mattress and fixed his clothes to the best of his abilities "where are they?"
"In the main lobby, but be careful Draco, they seem... Strange" Draco nearly laughed at that, She doesn't know the half of it, Strange indeed!

Draco had a bad feeling in his Gut as he cautiously went downstairs, he walked into the Lobby and Saw a face he recognized, but it wasn't Harry. He froze 'I need to get out of here. They'll kill them' He realized, fear creeping up his spine. What if he gave himself up, would they leave the others alone? No, they'd just take him and then kill everyone there, He needed a plan. If he ran, they would likely chase him, and it would give the others time to run. He loudly began running to the nearest broken window, making sure the death eaters knew it was him so they would leave the others in order to chase him down. He ran as fast as he could Fenrir was the first to begin running after him, but the others soon followed. His plan was working! Fenrir was gaining on him fast, Draco saw a family walking on the sidewalk ahead and quickly turned down the next Alleyway, and Surprise surprise! it was a dead-end.

He quickly began climbing a fire escape ladder on the side of one of the buildings, but suddenly he feels as if every nerve in his body had been set on fire and he fell back to the ground, he screamed and felt his body convulse from the pain. His vision turned to white, and when he came to he saw his Aunt- er... ex-aunt standing over him with a cruel smile on her face.

He soon realized his full body was paralyzed and he internally panicked
'Was I ever this cruel to people? How was I ever one of them? Is this how I die? No, they wouldn't be that kind. I've seen what they do to traitors.' if he could, he would've shivered at the thought. He heard someone cast a silencing spell and he knew they were gonna have their fun here, not even bothering to apparate to another location. He saw Bellatrix pull a black knife with an intricate hilt from her pocket and her face turned into an even crueler smile as she stripped him of the top part of his robes, revealing his bare chest to the cold air around him. She then leaned over him and began carving "Faggot" into one arm and "traitor" on the other. blood began flowing from the wounds and He could feel tears falling from his eyes "now now little Dragon,,, don't cry." She then moved to his face and she pressed her knife onto his eyebrow and began moving it downwards, she was gonna cut his eye out, and he was helpless. "I know how to stop your tears dra-" she stopped suddenly, mere centimeters from his eye

He heard footsteps running towards them and the sound of several people apperating away. Bellatrix turned away from him, as did Greyback. Draco's vision was limited by his inability to move but he could see them both draw their wands. A few moments of colorful lights from spells and curses later he saw Professor Lupin walk over to him with a horrified expression then heard someone utter "Finite Incantatem" and his body fell limp, no longer petrified. He let his eyes fall closed at last and let out a sob "Oh Draco-" he heard then felt someone kneel next to him. He began fading from consciousness but then he heard "You need to stay Awake Draco. Stay with us, you'll be okay. You're safe now " He weakly opened his eyes and looked into the remorseful eyes of Remus "Good job cub. Stay Awake for just a bit longer" Remus then turned away "we need to get him back to headquarters." "He's too weak for apparation Moony-"
he felt himself drifting again as they continued discussing how to get him back to their headquarters, wherever that was. He couldn't find it in him to care at this point and he felt his eyelids close, he felt strangely at peace as his consciousness faded in and out. He heard someone saying something but it sounded far away and he couldn't hear them. He tried to answer the person but they couldn't hear him. He felt his body moving, but it felt distant as well. He felt his consciousness fading again and he allowed the peacefulness carry him away.

A few hours earlier, at 12 grimmauld place
Sirius had Kreacher make them a quick breakfast in the early morning and then once everyone was fully awake they all headed out to try and find Draco. They split up into pairs, but made Harry stay back for his own safety.
Sirius and Remus decided they would search the City while the others went their own way.

After a couple of hours of searching the city They heard a scream. They ran in the direction it came from, but the scream stopped suddenly. They searched the area and found an old abandoned hotel. They quietly slunk inside, they hear a crying child and walk over to behind the receptionist desk where they find a young child hugging a stuffed animal that appeared to be quite old and heavily used. Sirius kneeled beside the child and asked what had happened, the child replied through their sobs "there were these people and they said they were friends with Draco-" the child stuttered with a lisp while crying "but they were bad people and they had these sticks and they chased Draco. And I don't know where my friends went" Sirius and Remus glanced at eachother then Remus spoke up "which way did they go?" The scared child pointed them in the right direction "stay here while we go find Draco, then we'll send somebody to help you find your friends, okay?" The kid nodded

The two of them drew their wands and ran in the direction they had pointed. soon Remus smelled Draco, or rather Draco's blood. He followed the smell and he turned down the Alleyway, there he saw Draco petrified and bleeding heavily from his arm. He saw some masked Death Eaters, as well as Bellatrix and... and fenrir... he nearly growled. Most of the death eaters disapparated away as soon as they saw them but Bellatrix and Fenrir merely turned around and drew their wands towards them ready to fight.

They fought for several minutes, taking shelter behind a dumpster in between firing spells, Bellatrix and fenrir eventually apparated away, not thinking Draco was worth the fight.

Remus ran over to Draco and undid the petrificus totalus, and tried comforting him. "Oh Draco-" he breathed, the "what have I done" left unspoken. "You need to stay Awake Draco. Stay with us, you'll be okay. You're safe now" Remus said, knowing that if Draco fell asleep he might never wake up. He could see Draco trying to stay conscious"Good job cub. Stay Awake for just a bit longer" Remus turned to Sirius, who had been sending a Patronus to everyone and telling them where to find the little kid who had helped them so they could keep their promise, and said "we need to get him back to headquarters" "He's too weak for apparation Moony, we'll have to find another way" he turned back to see Draco losing consciousness "no, Draco! stay Awake, come on! Wake up!" He could tell Draco didn't have long unless they got him immediate help.

Sirius Apparated back to headquarters, then Floo'd Pomfrey Desperately but she didnt answer. He then ran around, begging whatever God's there may be that S̶n̶i̶v̶e̶l̶u̶s̶ Severus was there, he knew some about healing these types of wounds "SEVERUS!" A deep, slow voice came from the den "What?!" Snape had just gotten there not long before and was sitting on a sofa reading a potions book "It's a long story, but Draco is Injured badly and needs your help" Severus Jumped up from his chair and grabbed his nearby bag which had some first aid potions in it and turned to Sirius "Take me to him!" Sirius grabbed his arm and apparated them to the Alley.

Severus saw the bloody mess that was his godson and nearly gasped, instead he ran over, and began digging through his bag. He found some bandages and wrapped them tightly around Dracos arms to try and slow the blood loss, he then grabbed several bottles of potions, lifted dracos head onto his lap and opened his mouth, pouring the contents of one of the potions bottles into his mouth "come on Draco, swallow" He whispered, massaging dracos throat to try and get him to swallow the potion down, finally Draco swallowed the potion down and Snape moved to the next one, and then the next, and eventually Draco had taken all the needed potions and was beginning to stabilize, gaining color back to his face.
After a couple of minutes he checked his Godsons pulse and breathing, satisfied with his findings he declared "he has stabilized enough to apparate to headquarters. Once we get there, I demand you tell me what has led up to this... incident"

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