chapter 3

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Thank you guys sm for being patient with me! I've had issues with writers block for quite a while now and so my updates are really slow. On top of that 2020 keeps throwing things at me and so I don't have a lot of time or energy to write even when I do have the motivation and ideas to write <3 I'm not super happy with the way I wrote Sirius and Remus, so I may rewrite parts of it in another separate version eventually, but for now I'm just gonna keep writing this version and see where it goes

After Draco and wren finished eating, wren asked Draco if he had a place to sleep that night and Draco shook his head slowly while looking down at the now empty Table "well the shelters 're all full right now, but me and some o' my friends have a nice spot nearby if you'd like to join us. We even have some shelter from the weather there."Draco thought over his options, tans decided that she seemed fairly trust worthy, and that he didn't have many other choices for shelter "thank you. I'd like to join you, if you'll have me" "of course! I wouldn't 'ave asked you if I didn't want ya to come, and I'll teach ya some things you need ta know about livin' on the streets"

They left the church and then began walking to the west, Wren subtly checking that they weren't being followed every so often. About 10 minutes later they arrive in front of an obviously abandoned building with boarded up windows and doors, wren checked that no one was looking then slipped down the alley way quietly with Draco following. Soon, Draco saw a small window with a loose board and wren pulled the board fully loose and they both climbed in the window.

The building had obviously been abandoned for a while, as the paint was peeling and the tile floors cracked and slightly creaked. The elevator doors were crooked and seemed to be a bit loose, there was an old TV in disrepair in what looked to have once been the Lobby. As they went up stairs, Draco noticed the hand rail was about to fall off the wall in places, and was worn quite badly. Once they arrived on the 2nd floor, Draco saw that the building had once been apartments. They go into one of the rooms and surprisingly the past tenants had left several pieces of furniture, and that there was an old sheetless mattress there. The kitchen had broken cabinets which held some bottles of water, and small amounts of cheap food.

"It ain't much, but It's home." Wren said. A part of Draco wanted to scowl at how dingy, cheap, and very muggle the place was, but considering his situation another part of him felt like heaven on earth

Back at grimmauld place, Hermione and harry were arguing with Ron and Remus while Sirius was sitting in his arm chair silently with his head resting in his hands. He can't help but think about what could've happened if Fleamont and Euphemia hadn't taken him in- about what Draco could be going through right now. While he hadn't personally been homeless, he knew from stories that the streets weren't kind to a person, and Remus should know better than anyone. Remus had yet to tell him himself, but Sirius knew that for a brief time before Albus had hired him as a teacher he had been homeless, his landlord had found out that he's a werewolf and kicked him out. He knew Remus would Regret what he said to Draco once he calms down, Though that doesn't excuse his behavior. Him and Remus were going to have a long ehem,,, /talk/ tonight.

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