chapter 2

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This song came on while I was working on this chapter and it kinda really just fit ////Possibly OOC, and may not be canon accurate on some things but just go with it, also I'm sorry if its Rubbish, Its been a while since I've seen the movies and due to Dyslexia have yet to read the books. I'm not really happy with this chapter so this may be revised later////

Sirius turned to Ron who was now beside Remus Ron fidgeted "he has the mark... I've seen it." Sirius contemplated for a moment then Harry walked through the still opened door, having heard it all "I say we find him and ask him ourselves. There is good in him, I've seen it. children are NOT their parents, and Sirius should know this better than anyone." he nodded towards Sirius


Draco eventually found himself In the heart of the nearby muggle city and was nearly overwhelmed by the sound of Cars, machinery, people yelling, etcetera. He saw a bakery nearby and his stomach growled. He frowned and kept walking. Up ahead he saw a sign for a free breakfast at a local church. He grimaced at the thought of him, a malfoy! A Pureblood! Eating with such lowlife Mudbloods, but then he realized that he is no longer a malfoy and that he has no other choice if he wanted to eat.

He walks up to the church and slowly walks in. He looks around and soon sees a sign for the breakfast pointing left, and turns in that direction. The dim hallways soon open up to a fairly large room set up with white foldable tables and folding chairs that look as old as he is. Most of the chairs were filled, the food looked to be almost gone, and it looked like the food getting cold. He nearly turned to leave but his stomach growled again and he continued on over to the buffet.

On the table there was some strange muggle boxes with what appeared to be greasy pizza with breakfast toppings on it*, some bread, a strange muggle device with two bread-slice sized holes in the top, and some jars of Jam. He picked up a styrofoam plate, some plasticware, and a couple of slices of pizza then went to hopefully find a chair at one of the tables.

He eventually found one between an Elderly man and a mid-teens girl with faded green hair that was grown out at the roots and all black clothes. He sat down silently and began to eat using a fork and knife, wiping his mouth every few bites. The girl next to him snickered "no need for such formalities here mate." Draco looked down shamefully and awkwardly picked up the slice,  "you're new to this ain't ya. Here hold it like this" she showed him a better way to hold the slice and he quietly thanked her.

"The name's Wren, what about you?" She held out a hand which he shook "the name's Malfoy . Draco Malfoy" he said proudly, then hesitated "well... I guess just Draco now" it was barely above a whisper, but loud enough that Wren heard it. "Well Draco, I have a feeling we'll be great friends"

*disclaimer, I've only been to a meal at a church once as a volunteer and they served pizza, also I dont have any idea what Brits eat for breakfast. I want to be respectful and accurate, but the only thing I'm finding is full english breakfasts when I search it on Google, which looks expensive, and I feel like it would be inappropriate in this situation.

I'm sorry yall waited so long and it's so short, I've kinda hit some writers block on this fic :/ Ik where I want this fic to go, but I'm having trouble figuring out the middle parts, If anyone has an idea for a part of this fic, feel free to comment it

I'm sorry if any of this fic comes off in an offensive way, or is inaccurate. I'm going to be doing my best to research stuff as I go. Also, this fic may wind up taking a different route than originally planned. I kinda just let the story flow as I go, ya' know?

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