chapter 6

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I kinda fell into a depressive episode the last couple months or so and have had difficulty even doing basic stuff. I'll try to update more regularly again, but I can't make any promises.  ik it can be frustrating when an author takes months to publish the next chapter, but I try to do my best ❤

Draco lay awake, he knew it was late into the night, but he couldn't sleep. His mind was going too fast and he couldn't shut it down. Everything kept replaying over and over in his head and it wouldn't stop. He kept wondering if his mother was okay, and whether or not she misses him like he does her. Lucius had never been much of a loving father, but his mom... she had always done her best, she tried to be a barrier between the two. She would always try to shelter Draco from Lucius's angry outbursts, and he appreciated it but sometimes he wished she didn't try and take everything all on her own, he felt even sadder thinking about it.

He had known he was Bi for years now, but feared his father's reactions. He had always done everything he could to hide it at all costs. He wasn't even out to his closest friends yet, though he had accidentally let slip his crush on Harry once when spending the night with his uncle severus at spinners end. 'He wouldn't have snitched, would he? No Lucius has to have found out another way. Did Draco leave his Diary out somewhere? Did his father suspect something and go digging in his room?'
He sighed. He needed to sleep but he couldn't stop over thinking.
His thoughts then moved to how horrible of a person he is, the things he had done.

After some hours (... or was it minutes? He couldn't tell anymore) of tossing and turning he gave up and decided to go on a walk. He couldn't go outside in case someone saw him, so he took to wandering about the house. Eventually he found a room with a large mural of the black family tree on it. He looked at every one of the members who had been burned off until he came across Sirius's name. He gently brushed his fingers against it, it hit him that his had likely been burnt too. He slid down the wall and hugged his knees, a part of him wished he could just be "normal" so that his father would love him.

Draco awoke with a start from a hand being placed on his shoulder, he looked up and saw Sirius. "You had us worried sick when you weren't in your room this morning" Sirius said. "I just... couldn't sleep is all" Draco replied.  Sirius looked down with an understanding look on his face "do you wanna talk about it?" Sirius said, sitting down next to Draco "Do... do you think I'm a freak for being... you know... gay...?" Draco felt tears run down his face "of course not, pup! In fact, that would be quite hypocritical of me. Haven't you noticed Remus and I?" Now that Draco thought about it, Sirius and Remus were very close, it made sense he supposed. "Is that why-" "My mother did that after I ran away as a teen, let's just say we had... very different opinions on things. Eventually I had enough and packed my things and headed to the Potters. They were already more of a family to me anyways" he let out a sad chuckle then said "what do you say we head down to breakfast? Kreacher is cooking a full English breakfast for everyone" Draco nods, standing up to head to the dining room. He turned to Sirius "thank you, for everything" he smiled.

~~~~back in time~~~~

When the strange light flew towards Wren, she instinctively held her hands in front of her face, she felt something knock her to the ground, but it felt almost... cushioned? When she got up, the lady was gone. She helped the others up off the ground, "how did we get here?" Neelam said, wren replied "what do you mean? that pink haired lady brought you back to us after we got separated?" "What are you talking about? what lady?" "The one who was just here? I think she was friends with Draco" "who's Draco? and no one was here, just us" one of the others said. "Draco was the one who stayed the night with us before the strange people attacked? how do none of you remember?" Wren paused for a moment then said "The light... it must've erased your memories somehow, but why do I still remember everything?"  " Wren, are you okay? did you hit your head?-" the older boy leaned closer and quietly said "-are you on drugs?  you don't have to go through this on your own, we can help you." " I'm not on drugs, Jean. Im telling you the truth! there was a boy I met at the church and he stayed with us for the night in the old hotel but then this morning some bad people came for him and we had to flee, and Neelam got left behind but the lady brought him back to us! the only reason you dont remember is because she shot light from her... from her wand... it must have been a spell of sorts. you have to believe me!"

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