Chapter Thirty-Seven

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"We can have a sleepover!" Happy shouted excitedly, "We can drink hot cocoa and eat cookies and stuff!"

Belle smiled, "I've never had a sleepover before. What's it like?"

Happy gasped dramatically. "How?!" she asked. Belle glanced at the wall next to her. "I guess it's because my father never let me." she answered. "Your father was a complete monster then! But no worries, we can fix that!" Happy looked at Belle with pure and fiery determination in her eyes, "Tonight we'll get Myckenzie and Sierra, and we will have the most epic sleepover that humanity has ever seen!"

"I don't know if your passion for this is inspiring or scary." Belle laughed.

"Why not both?" Happy joked, making Belle laugh a little more. "Soooooo are we going or do you two need a minute?" Tyreke asked from the doorway to Happy's room. "Yeah, yeah, we're moving ya' weirdo! Stalking us from the door like the creeper you are!" Happy teased him. Tyreke flattened a grin and gestured for the girls to follow him, "We have to hurry. That storm's creeping up on us so we can't waste any time preparing for it. Remember what happened last time?"

"It was Flynn that set the car on fire, not the storm."

"Flynn what?" Belle asked with wide eyes. "He did it on purpose too." Happy giggled. That worried Belle more. "I have an ever-growing concern for you guys and the more stories I hear the worse it gets." Belle said anxiously. "Try not to worry about it too much. You'll get used to it eventually." Happy smiled brightly. Again, than worried Belle more. "Come on ladies, we gotta do this! Then you can tell eachother more stories!" Tyreke called from down the hall. Happy sighed dramatically. "Fine..."

After Happy and Belle went with Tyreke to the storage room and found the bedding, they each grabbed a pile of folded blankets and carried them to everyone's rooms. They gave two blankets to each person (the exception being Bradley, who got five of them). Myckenzie and Sierra turned on all the heaters and Fredrick made a short schedule that involved him, Tyreke, Mason, and Baron rotating shifts so that the heaters didn't overheat and catch fire. Flynn made sure to keep Bradley with him, and both of them had a rather large amount of blankets, so they were the blanket kings for tonight.

As the storm arrived, Happy went to Belle's room and demanded that she gather her pillows and blankets. " Can I take my coat, too?" the bluenette asked. "Yes, now let's go let's go!" Happy smiled from ear to ear. Belle gathered her coat, a few blankets, and one of the larger pillows, then walked out of her room and followed Happy down the hall. "What do people do at sleepovers?" Belle asked. Happy shook her head. "You'll see!" she said excitedly. She led Belle to her room, getting more visibly excited as the approached the door. She didn't wait for Belle to ask another question and threw open the door. "TA-DAAAAA!" she giggled with jazz hands. Inside the room were Myckenzie and Sierra waiting patiently in their pajamas, a tray of gingerbread cookies, board games, lots of hot chocolate, some drawing and coloring stuff, and each corner of the room had a space set up for each of them to chill in. "Welcome to the party!" Happy laughed joyfully. She closed the door behind Belle while the lawyer took it in. "Wow... th--thank you guys... I don't know what to say." Belle smiled, and set her stuff down in the vacant corner. "But you just said something." Sierra said with a small grin. Happy giggled again and Belle made a "pfft" of amusement. "Are you okay, Cece?" Myckenzie tilted her head, "That was pretty corny, especially for you."

"I wanted to see what it takes to make her laugh." Sierra said, smiling. Myckenzie gave her a "yeah, sure" face. "It doesn't take much, honestly ." Belle admitted, "As long as I understand the joke, I'll laugh."

"Movie loopholes." Happy said quickly. Belle giggled almost immediately. "What kind of stuff do you know?" Myckenzie asked. Belle shrugged. "Laws, court cases, amendments, history," she listed, "old movies, some inside jokes... maybe some dark comedy."

Myckenzie snorted, "You need to get out more."

Belle nodded, slightly embarrassed. "We can fix that right now!" Happy said, setting up the area in the center of the room. She pulled out board games and sketch books, pens, and pencils and placed them in a circle. She moved the cookies and cocoa in the very center and went back to her corner. It was the one with the most lily pads painted on it. "Let's get started!" she cheered, holding Billiam tightly. Belle quickly sat down in her respective corner and eagerly fidgeted with her hands. "What should we play, ladies?" Myckenzie asked.

Three hours later, when they were all gamed out, the girls decided to eat cookies and drink hot chocolate before they went to bed.

[Sorry for the laziness QwQ]


[Day Fourteen]

Mason stood up and cracked his neck tiredly. Even with the heaters on, his room was still colder than his heart.

At least he thinks it is.

He ran a hand through his hair and stretched, then walked around his room and threw on his clothes. He combed his hair, brushed his teeth, drank coffee, and ate before he went up the stairs to take a look at the world outside of the warehouse. There was a layer of ice covering everything. It was shiny and bright.

Mason had a look of irritation on his face. 'Damn. We might be frozen in.' he growled in his head. Even though he was pissed, it really couldn't be that bad. Baron could just kick all the doors open. It was their vehicle that wouldn't be going anywhere. 'We'll have to wait even longer for the next supply run. Just great.'

"Good morning, boss." Tyreke greeted him from the hallway. Mason turned around and smiled, "Good morning, Tyreke. Sleep well?"

"Very well, thank you. Did you?" Tyreke responded with a small smile of his own. "It was decent. Could have been better." Mason shrugged his shoulders. Tyreke walked into the room and set a small satchel down on the table in the center of it. "So, what brings the high king to my humble little office?" the blue haired male asked jokingly. Mason looked disappointedly at the outside world one last time, then turned back to Tyreke and answered him. "I mainly came here to see what this morning would look like." the tall man waved his hand at the window to his right. "Mainly?" Tyreke prompted. "I also wanted your input on something." Mason responded, "Do dreams mean anything to you?"

Tyreke paused. "Sir?" he asked, perplexed. Mason raised an eyebrow at him. "You never ask about that kind of stuff, Mason." Tyreke clarified. Mason hummed. "I know it's out of the ordinary, but I need someone else's opinion on this." he explained to Tyreke. Tyreke nodded and continued what he was doing as he talked. "Well then. Yes, I suppose that dreams do mean something-- but it is up to us to decide what they mean." he said, opening up the satchel and pulling out small bottles of liquids and pills, "For example, snakes. If you see a snake in your dream, you might think of deception. If I see a snake in my dream, I'll think of medicine."

"In other words, yes and no?" Mason tilted his head. Tyreke sighed. "In other words, it's up to you to decide if it means anything. You, and you alone." he simplified, "Now, what did you dream about recently that made you ask me this question?"

Mason waved the question off. "Nothing important." he shrugged. Tyreke frowned disbelievingly and sorted the bottles out on the table. "Anything else?" the younger man asked. Mason thought for a moment, then shook his head. "Nope, that's it. Thank you Tyreke."


Mason left without another word. Tyreke watched him go. Something felt off to him. Mason was acting different, and it was actually kind of alarming. Yes, holidays could be difficult for him-- especially if something kicks one of his memories up-- but they usually didn't make him act all mysterious and ask questions. 'Maybe I should tell someone. He's not acting too off, though. Maybe this can wait...' he debated, 'Yes, that's what I should do. I'll just wait for a few days to see if it improves or gets worse. I just have to keep an eye on Mason.'

His final decision made, Tyreke nodded thoughtfully and returned his attention to the glass bottles in front of him.

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