Chapter Twelve

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[Day Five]

Happy was worried. Belle hadn't left her room in two days. 'What happened with Mason must have really shook her up...' Happy sighed, then gave herself a determined face, "I'm gonna go see her!"

She jumped off of her bed, landing in front of her door. She stood up straight, threw open the door and marched into the hallway, and right into Tyreke. Happy stumbled back before Tyreke caught her, "Whoa! Are you okay, Happy?"

Happy brushed herself off and frowned, "I'll be okay once I know that Belle's okay."

Tyreke nodded, gesturing to Fredrick and Bradley, who were behind him the entire time without Happy noticing. "We were going to check on her, you can join us if you want to." Happy nodded, "Have any of you seen her in the last four days?"

Fredrick nodded, "Myckenzie did, since she's the one who brings her meals."

"Did she say anything?"

Fredrick shook his head, making Happy sigh. Bradley felt a little bad about it so he added, "She did say something, but all she said was that it's not her business to talk about."

Happy reached over and frazzled his hair, "Thanks, BB."

Bradley smiled, then started walking down the hallway. "Come on guys!" he called over his shoulder. Happy, Tyreke, and Fredrick smiled, following the cheerful boy. After a few minutes, they rounded a corner and saw Baron sitting across from the door to Belle's room. He looked at them, grumbling a grumpy "great" and stood up on his feet. "What're you doing?" The big man grumbled, "You're here to see the lawyer, aren't you?"

Bradley nodded his head rapidly, a big smile on his face. Happy smiled at the boy's innocence, 'He's not like the rest of us... We've all committed crimes, while he just stays here with us...'

Baron huffed and took a step back. "Just don't be loud." he warned, irritated. Bradley just smiled and said a quick "thank you" before marching to the door and opening it. He marched into the room with the other three right behind him. "Hi, Miss Belle! We wanted... to... uh..." Bradley started faultering with his sentence as the door closed. The four turned their heads, looking around the room. Belle wasn't there. Bradley looked at Tyreke, "... Where did she go?"

"I don't know," Fredrick answered for the blue-haired male, "Let's ask Baron."

Happy opened the door, revealing a still-irritated Baron. He crossed his arms, "Is there something wrong?"

"Did Belle leave the room?" Happy countered. Baron paused, slowly uncrossing his arms, "What?"

Happy didn't like this feeling in her stomach, "She's not in the room, did any of the others take her somewhere?"

He was silent for a few moments, then growled, "I... might have fallen asleep... out of boredom," His eyes widened, Baron started getting furious, "No one woke me up when I fell asleep, are you telling me that she escaped?!"

He stomped through the doorway, looking around with a fiery glare. "Her coat and boots aren't here." Fredrick observed. Baron roared, "God-fucking-damn it!"

He whirled around and ran stormed down the hallway. Almost a minute later, he threw open Mason's office door. Mason was sitting in his chair with his feet on the desk. He looked up at Baron with a serious face, "Something's wrong?"

"That damned lawyer escaped!"

Mason shot out of his chair and was in front of Baron in a heartbeat, "She what?"

Both men ran back to the room, Mason skidding to a stop a foot past the door. He stormed into the room. He looked at the others, taking notice that Bradley was hiding behind Tyreke. 'Watch your language.'

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