Chapter Eight

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"Wow, I forgot how much fun these could be..." Belle said in a hushed voice. Happy had gotten out a few coloring books and five boxes of crayons, and now the two have been coloring in the pictures for hours. Happy was coloring a picture of a frog, while Belle was coloring a picture of a ballerina. "I know, right?" Happy said with enthusiasm, "Most people do forget about how much fun being a kid is!"

Belle was coloring in the ballerina's tutu with an indigo crayon when she heard a roar and thundering footsteps coming down the hallway. Belle was pretty sure that she looked like someone just shot her foot. "Oh no, get behind me." Happy said in a rushed way as she scrambled to her feet. Belle ran behind Happy as Baron slammed her bedroom door open. He visibly gritted his teeth and growled low in his throat, his eyes landing on Belle with a venomous glare. 'Oh God...' Belle thought with dread.

"Get. Out." Baron rumbled, pointing at the door behind him. "No!" Happy shouted defiantly and pushed Belle back as she went to take a step forward, "She's staying with me! You're going to give her a heart attack before Mason can even talk with her!"

Baron roared, "Then get out of my way!"

He stomped forward, shoved Happy aside and grabbed Belle by her hair, lifting her over a foot off of the ground. 'Don't scream!' She internally cried as tears of pain formed in her eyes, 'That'll make him angrier!' Baron turned around and lowered her to the floor, carrying her by the hair as he stormed down the halls. Belle was holding down agonized cries the entire time. It felt like he was trying to rip her scalp off!

Finally, after what felt like thirty minutes, Baron stopped, slammed open another door, and literally threw her into the room she was staying in. Bell landed painfully on her knees. She collapsed onto the floor and listened as Baron yelled, "Stay there!" and slammed the door so loudly that she flinched. She curled herself into a ball as she gripped her aching head in her hands. 'Was that even necessary?!'

Belle managed not to sob, but tears still left her eyes. Her knees felt like they were burning. She looked at them and saw blood, apparently the landing had skinned her knees. She let out a small whimper, and curled herself into an even tighter ball. Then she heard yelling.

"So what if she's hurt?! If she listened to me the first time, then I wouldn't have to drag her back here, now would I?!"

"I was the one who told you no! That was completely uncalled for!"

Belle felt guilty, Happy shouldn't have to defend her from Baron. She was distracted and almost missed the familiar click of the door opening. "Miss Belle?" asked Tyreke in a kind voice, "May I come in?"

Belle moved herself from her fetal position and sat up, "You may... Thank you..."

Tyreke entered the room, closing the door behind him to muffle the fiery argument in the hallway, "You're very welcome." He responded with a smile. He gestured for her to sit on the bed, which she did. He sat down beside her, a small bag with a red cross painted on it beside him. "Happy told me what happened," he stated calmly, looking into her eyes, "Were you physically hurt in any way? Do you still feel any pain, if so?"

Belle shook her head, "No, I'm f-fine..."

Tyreke gave her a disappointed look, "The blood on the floor, and on your legs, say otherwise."

Belle looked down with a guilty expression, "I'm sorry..."

"It's alright, just please tell the truth next time, alright?"

Belle nodded, looking back up as he pulls medical supplies out of his bag. "Alright, let me see those knees of yours."


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