Prom Night

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The biggest event in highschool was coming soon, and you couldn't be more troubled. You still had to talk with Zhongli about your feelings. And you haven't seen Childe since the last meeting in his house.

As the promised night came, you dressed in your most prized dress. Even though you mostly didn't care about clothes, you were glad with your choice for this night. White fabric with smooth, golden decorations looked really stunning, and made your features stand out.

"Ding dong" The doorbell rang.

You walked away from the mirror and opened the door. You knew exactly who was at the other side.

Childe smirked.
"Wow, look who is getting ready for the night of her life and almost forgot about me" He said, while admiring your look.
"You look amazing by the way" He added with a small blush on his face. "I mean it"

You gasped and gave him a hug, so he won't be able to see your red cheeks. Blue eyed boy had a long, dark coat and his signature red scarf. He looked more elegant than usual, but still kept his cool style.

"You look great too Childe" You murmured into his ear, while you were close to him.

After you both got ready, you left for the prom. It was held in your school, and you got there by car. Even though you were scared to drive with Childe (as he was the type to do stupid things to just show off), surprisingly he turned out to be a great driver. He was driving at a steady pace, occasionally stealing glances at you.

"What a lucky man I am" He said under his breath.

When you arrived, you saw Zhongli waiting on the entrance. He gave you a warm smile.

"Hello (Y/N)" Brunette welcomed you with a polite voice and opened his arms for a hug, which you gladly accepted.

"Good evening Zhongli. I'm sorry but I cannot accept your invitation to go together. I see you as a friend only, and I don't want to give you hope that something will change. I'm so sorry" You gave him a sincere apology, and looked up to see his reaction.

He gave you an understanding nod.
"It's okay (Y/N), I expected this to happen. Hope you will have fun tonight, and that we can still be friends. I will always be there if you need help with history" Zhongli gave you a headpat.

"I appreciate it a lot, thank you. Have a great night too" You said goodbye to the man and went back to Childe who had a small smile on his face.

"I'm glad that everything is sorted out" He exclaimed, while taking your hand.

This gesture caught you by surprise.

"What? I just don't want to lose you in the crowd" Childe said with a pout while you stared at him with wide eyes.

His slender, strong fingers intertwined perfectly with yours.

You liked this feeling. More that you would ever admit.

As you explored the school, you found the food stalls. There was everything. From desserts and cakes to full dinner dishes, and everything looked so tasty.

"I'm staying here" You said.

"Fine, I'll slow dance with Zhongli" Childe snickered at your surprised face.

"I-I don't mind" You lied. "Food is more important"

"Sure, sure. Take what you want and let's go" Childe nudged your shoulder and took you by the hand once again. He pushed you through all the people and together you arrived at the main hall.

Music started playing. And Childe didn't waste time. He instantly wrapped his arms around you, and you could feel his breath as he pulled you closer.

"You know, I kinda suck at dancing. Hope you won't be mad if I break your fingers" Childe said with a smirk.

What a way to ruin the mood. But that's Childe for you. You stared in his playful eyes and decided to step on his feet instead of trying to dance.

"Not if I do it first" You laughed, as he let out a small scream of pain.

And so, when everyone else was enjoying the slow song, you and Childe were having the fun of your lives. Just doing stupid things like swirling each other around, and breaking each other feet.

"You know what, this night is amazing" You smiled gently as you suddenly stopped. "Thank you Childe, for everything"

"No problem (Y/N). Always there for you. Let's be more than friends. I had feelings for you for a longer time than you think. I don't want to be friends, I want something more" Childe brought you close, slowly closing the distance between your lips.

"So let's be best friends" You said the worst joke ever and felt bad about your humor sense.

Childe rolled his eyes.

"But seriously, I think we already are something more Childe" You gave him a shy peck on the lips, which he quickly turned into a full kiss. He was rough, but passionate. Exactly how you imagined it.

"You know what, let's take it somewhere else, I feel like people are staring at us" You suddenly noticed that even though the song stopped, You and Childe were still in the center of the hall. This was embarrassing.

"Yeah, you're right. How about my bed" He gave you one of those attractive smirks and you knew that you won't be falling asleep that night.

The end.

After almost a year, I decided to give you the last chapter. I'm sorry that it got left unfinished for such a long time. And tbh I hope that you enjoyed the ending. It's horny, like all you people who read this fic.

I'm really thankful for all the readers, and all the people that stopped by here. Hope you all have a great day, and I'm sorry if the ending felt rushed. Thank you for your patience one more time!

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