Moment of truth

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It was saturday's morning when you realized that your fridge was empty.
The truth struck you like a lighting when you went to the kitchen, thinking about your tasty, perfect breakfast.

"Good morning [Y/n]" Aether greeted as he walked down the stairs. He was your older brother, and together with your sister Lumine, they were twins.

"Bad morning" You responded with a scowl. "If it was good, I'd be eating my favorite sandwich with salmon" Your expression dropped.

Aether giggled.
"Don't worry much, let's buy something to eat together" he suggested, and soon after, you two went to a grocery shop.

It was big, quite of a market even. Most alleys were filled with fruits and vegetables, but there was also a big shelf full of sweets. This shop was full of everything. Including people.

"We should get some rice, meat, and maybe salmon if you want it that bad" Aether took a shopping cart and together you travelled through the land of colorful packages.

With a smile, you followed your big brother. You enjoyed his company a lot. Aether was a cheerful, but calm individual, which always was there for you.

You picked some important fruits on the way.

Suddenly you heard a famillar voice. When you turned around, Childe smirked.

"Hello [Y/n]" He greeted you with his happy tone.

"Nice seeing you too, why are you here?" You stared at him, admiring his ocean eyes.

"Regular week shopping, my siblings need something to eat for dinner" He scratched the back of his head.

"Same here, my fridge was totally empty" You said with a sad smile.

"Poor you" Childe patted your hair.

"[Y/n] I have everything we need, let's go to the cash register" Your brother appeared from another alley.
When he saw you and Childe together, his eyes widened.

"Who are you?" He calmly asked.

"Your little sister's friend of course" Childe smirked.

"She doesn't have friends" Aether rolled his eyes at your pout.

"So it runs in the family" Childe laughed.
"Nice to meet you, [Y/n]'s big bro" He added with a more polite expression.

"Nice to meet you too, um?" Aether responded and waited for the ginger to introduce himself.


"Yeah, Childe. If something happens to my little sister when she is with you, I will pray for archons to crush your dreams" Aether stared at the ginger haired boy.

"Don't assume things, we're just friends" You glared at your brother.

"Would you like to come to my house later?" Childe suggested when Aether started heading to cash registers.

"Your sister needs someone to play with again?" You smiled at him.

"Not this time, I just want to ask you something" His confident expression changed into a soft smile.

"Okay" Your heart started beating faster and a blush appeared on your cheeks. You quickly hid it with your scarf.

You walked back home with your brother and finally ate your breakfast. Every time you took a bite, Aether looked at you.

"Looks like you were hungry" He stated, while eating his own food.

"More like hangry" Older sibling giggled at your response.

Childe x Reader [Modern AU]Where stories live. Discover now