That one cursed day.

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Clock was ticking. Your hand was moving on its own, and your mind was occupied by the fourth exercise. Writing an answer was all which you had to do before you gave in the mid term test. You liked math.

Before the bell rang, you managed to finish. Happy with the results, you left the classroom, sparing one, last glance at your hot classmate.

When his golden eyes met yours, you quickly turned away, hiding that cute blush that appeared on your cheeks.

You hurried to the rooftop. Your favorite place to eat lunch. Sometimes your friend Barbara would be there too. She was a nice, friendly girl, and even though you wouldn't admit it loud, you were fond of her optimistic personality. She got along well with everyone, and you admired her for it.

"[Y/n]!" She was already there. A smile formed on her lips, when you took a seat by her side.

Her blonde hair was tied into two pigtails. She was wearing the female version of the uniform, which consisted of a typical shirt, and blue skirt.

"Hi Barbara" You also gave her a small smile in return and started to eat your breakfast. It was nothing special, just some rice balls filled with salmon.

"That looks tasty, did you make it yourself?" Your friend asked while opening her bento.

"Yeah" You admitted while looking at hers food. Barbara was amazing at cooking too. Her food was chopped into cute shapes, and looked very attractive.

Noticing your sudden drop in the mood she laughed.
"No need to compare yourself [Y/n], I think you made great progress" The girl said with sincerity.

Barbara was too pure for this world. You were glad to be her friend.

"Yeah, she did. Last time I almost ended up in hospital after trying her cupcakes for the School Festival" Another voice joined in, which you soon recognized to be your childhood acquaintance, Childe.

You and the orange haired boy had some history. You were classmates from primary school, and somehow fate always brought you two together. You started to wonder if the Archons had fun watching you suffer.

You didn't hate Childe, but your relationship wasn't exactly the best one. He was popular, funny and had the looks. But he also loved making fun of you. Teasing was something he enjoyed way too much.
You on the contrary weren't such a social butterfly. You liked some people, like Barbara, but you felt comfortable in the background of class relationships.

"What do you need?" You asked. The glare you sent him could sent shivers down the spine.

"Whoa, why so cold now [Y/n]? I just wanted to remind you of our cheerful experience in our young and innocent lives" He said, giving you an apologetic look.

"Yeah, sure" You rolled your eyes.

Childe joined your table, sitting next to Barbara. After a second you noticed that he wasn't the only one who came.

Zhongli was also there.

"Fuck, I sure hope he didn't hear us talking before" You thought, while silently admiring his features.

His long hair, put in a ponytail flowed gently on the wind. His gold, mesmerising eyes were slightly covered by longer bangs that were swept to the left side. He was wearing his uniform, but compared to Childe, he followed the school rules and had it neatly tied up.

"[Y/n], earth to [Y/n]!" Childe started waving his head before your eyes, trying to get your attention.

You were staring. And everyone noticed it. Except Zhongli, he was too dense. Barbara already knew about your so called interest in the tall man.

Childe smirked.
"So that's what it's all about, huh" He murmured under his breath.

Zhongli joined your table. As you listened to their conversation, still way too much embarassed to talk alongside them, you learned some interesting facts.

Childe and Zhongli were friends. And Zhongli forgot his money, to buy a breakfast, again. You were sure he had a lot on his mind.

After the break ended, you headed to your next class. You were really lucky to have art, because it didn't require your full attention.

And so, you spent the whole lesson scribbling doodles of your crush.

When the lesson ended, you started to head to the rooftop again. This time you bumped into someone, and all your notes scattered on the floor.

"This is bad" Your mind said.

You looked at the person, that you bumped into. Orange, fluffy hair and azure eyes, together with a childish smile could mean only one person.

"This is even worse" Your mind corrected its previous thought.

Childe looked around, and when he noticed your doodles of the beautiful brunette he gave you a sadistic look.

"Well sorry for bumping into you" You gave an apologetic smile and started to collect your stuff from the floor.

"Let me help [Y/n]~" Childe kneeled beside you. His crazy smile was still there. This man looked like he could plan to destroy the world, and somehow get away with it.

When you finished, both of you got up. You were ready to go, but a sudden, firm grip on your wrist wouldn't let you.

"Sorry, I'm in a hurry" You lied.

Strong force grabbed you, and pulled you closer to the orange haired man.

He was close. Way too close for your comfort.
His face was merely a few centimeters away.
Childe snickered.

"You know, I can help you with this little secret"
"What you could possibly do? Tell it to the whole school?" You gave him a glare.

Childe put a finger to your lips, as if he wanted to silence you.

"Nah, helping is helping. Don't you trust me?" He gave you his famous innocent look. But you could see his demonic intent hidden deep in his eyes.

"Why I should?"

"I can bring you, and my popular, hot, quiet class leader friend together sooner than you think" A knowing smile graced his face.

You forgot the important fact that Zhongli and Childe shared quite a close friendship with each other. You had no other option.

"Fine, I give in" Your deep sigh echoed in the air.

"We have a deal! Fancy doing business with you [Y/n]!"

"What would you be getting from it?" You asked with curiosity.



I tried writing a fanfiction about Childe and this is how it turned out. Yeah, this will be fun. Hope you like it.

Oh, and sorry if I made too many mistakes, english is not my first language.

Childe x Reader [Modern AU]Where stories live. Discover now