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You woke up next morning. Your head was hurting, and your mind wouldn't stop reminding you of yesterday's events.

Your deal with Childe was about to start today. He was supposed to introduce you to his circle of friends, so you could spent more time with Zhongli.

Ah Zhongli, you became dreamy just at the thought of him. You wanted to go back to sleep badly, but there was no way your parents would let you stay in today.

And so you went to the hell. Where the devil resides.

After some lessons you went to your favorite spot. Rooftop was always a good place to calm your mind. You started going up the stairs, and you couldn't wait to cross the door and feel the fresh air.

Your quiet place to listen to your own thoughts was nothing like you remembered it.

Loud noises were screaming at each other. There were some new people, you didn't know, and in the middle of all this chaos was your nemesis.

"Childe" You said his name with a scowl.

"Hiya [Y/n]! I brought some of my friends today. Hope you get along well!"
He had his usual grin.

"Hey I'm not tone deaf!" Younger boy slapped the table.

"This little gremlin is Venti. He's quite a sassy, lost child sometimes but he's nice overall" Childe said.

The mentioned boy had dark blue hair with two longer streaks of green in the front which were in braids.

"You sure were when you drank this huge bottle of wine last night by yourself" Another voice added in. It belonged to a blue haired boy which for some reason covered his eye.

Another guy, with a bored expression and long, red hair sighed. You could feel his dissapointment in being alive.

"These two are step brothers. The silent and edgy one is Diluc, and his opposite is Kaeya" Childe continued the introductions.

You were already famillar with Zhongli, so you just murmured a shy greeting to him. He surprisingly responded giving you a small smile. It seemed like despite being the class president he was quite awkard as well.

Your heart started beating faster. And without your consent, you started to blush.

When everyone stopped talking for a moment, Childe decided to introduce you to others.

"Everyone, this is [Y/n], she is my dear friend" He gave you a pat on your head, messing your hair.

"We're not friends" You corrected.

"Aww don't be so mean, you're hurting my feelings [Y/n]" Childe pouted.

"I like her" Diluc finally spoke. His voice deep and confident.

Everyone shared a laugh. It turned out Childe's friends weren't that bad and you started to feel pretty comfortable around them.

And since you started hanging around them more, you had less problem with talking to Zhongli on a regular basis. You even started to get along with Childe. You did not expect it to happen.

"I even asked him to lend me a pencil on today's art class" You said proudly to Childe which smiled.

"See, you're doing great. Just remember to thank me after you get together. Oh, and invite me to your wedding" He continued. But something about his voice seemed off.

"You will get to sit in the front row" You smiled.

Childe eyes widened for a moment. Did you just smile? Well, your smile was quite cute.

"You should do this more often" He said, without his regular, cheerful tone. He actually seemed sincere this time.

"Smile?" You asked. Curiosity was hidden in your eyes.

"Yeah, it suits you" Childe responded, his casual expression now unreadable.

"Thanks, idiot. For everything. I mean, maybe you aren't so bad"

His eyes lit up. You, of all people, said that he wasn't so bad.

He laughed.
"Thanks, you too [Y/n]"

The rest of your week was surprisingly sweet and nice. You got to know them more, and you secretly loved spending time with everyone.

After the school ended, you got invited to hang out with Childe and Zhongli. You decided to go to the library, so you could study for a test.

"Aw seriously? Do we really need to go there?" Childe pouted. He didn't want to spent his free time studying.

"Yes my dear friend. We need to pass this test well" Zhongli answered.
"Besides there are a lot of interesting books here, I'm sure you will find something good for you" He added.

"I'm sorry, I don't think I fit in the nerds" Childe added. "Bye, bye!" He waved you off, and winked at you.

"This is a chance for you, get to know him more" Childe gave you a quick pat on the head.

You and Zhongli continued walking. When you got to the library you sat together in one table.

"Umm Zhongli?" You started

"Yes [Y/n]?" He looked at you. His voice polite as ever.

"I don't know how to tackle this subject. I was never good in history" Your smile was sheepish and everyone could notice that you were telling the truth.

Zhongli gave you a warm smile. Your heart melted at the sight.

Soon history was no longer trouble for you. Zhongli really had a talent when it came to talking and he was really cute while getting so invested in some topics.
You loved listening to him.

"Thank you Zhongli" You thanked him with a huge grin. Your meeting was a huge success. You couldn't wait to tell it to Childe. He would be proud of you. You wondered how was his afternoon.

You mentally slapped yourself. Why did you suddenly care about him?! Zhongli was here, and that was all that should matter to you.

"You look like you missed me" Suddenly two hands were wrapped around your eyes. A famillar voice appeared too.

You were so lost in thoughts that you didn't notice how Childe appeared by your side.

He hugged you from behind. His soft hair tickled your neck and his eyes glinted playfully.

"Never did, never will" You responded smugly.

Everyone laughed. Zhongli seemed really unfased about the fact that Childe was showing you affection. He seemed happy that he helped you with studying though.

And this fact kinda hurt, but you couldn't expect the quiet man to be jealous. He was always the calm and composed type.

"Do you want to hang out at my place today?" Childe suggested.

"Why not, it sounds like a good way to think about something else than school" Zhongli accepted the offer.

"Count me in! I want to play some board games" You were really enthustiastic.

Childe laughed. He was happy that somehow you two became friends. But something was off. He felt weird everytime you and Zhongli were having fun together.

He decided to shrug this feeling off. Denial was better than acceptance at this point. Especially that things between you and Zhongli seemed to go well.


Second chapter is here. Hope you like it!

I'm really happy now. Childe came home after 68 pulls. Now I need to save for Zhongli to get my cool boyband together.

Childe x Reader [Modern AU]Where stories live. Discover now