Childe's soft spot

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You were staying up late, trying to finish your essay. Your mind started to wander again.

Your thoughts were mostly about your current relationship with Zhongli. It all was going well. And to be honest, you couldn't wait to confess your feelings. And to thank that one, ginger bastard as well.

As much as you hated Childe at the beginning, your feelings started to change. He was like a friend to you now, and you couldn't be more happy that he was by your side.

He supported you all the time. At the beginning, he seemed happy that you and Zhongli were at the right track, but now, his expression was darker when you fangirled about the brunette. He didn't seem to be glad anymore.

Maybe you just tired him out with adimiring the other boy.

You decided to end your essay with a quick summary. Tired, but satisfied, you lied on your bed. It felt so good to be free from school work.

Calm and relaxing silence was soon interrupted by your phone. It started ringing with a loud noise, making you check it.

"Hiya [Y/n]!" His cheerful voice greeted you from other side.

"What do you need this time?" You responded lazily.

"Nothing~ Just wanted to check out how my bestie is doing" His voice seemed quite off.

"You know this doesn't work on me. Tell me Childe, why did you call?" You sighed.

"You see, my little sister wants to play with someone, and I promised I would bring her a friend" Childe explained.

A smile formed on your lips.
You were actually excited to meet his little sister. You wonder if his sibling is simillar to him when it came to personality. That would mean two ginger devils.

"Fine, I'll come soon. Give me the address" You gave him a response.

It didn't take much time to get to his apartament. His parents were away, and so Childe lived with his siblings alone. The buliding was quite old, but it wasn't in a bad shape.

You rang the bell. The door leading to his flat opened. And in the doorway stood Childe.
It looked like he took a shower. His hair was wet, small droplets of water were dropping from it. He also had a towel wrapped around his body. His chest was exposed, giving you a chance to glance at his muscles.

"Sorry for barging in so suddenly" You said, quite flustered by the view.

Childe was hot.

And by the smirk plastered on his face, he was fully aware of it.

"Like what you see?" He closed the door after you entered the hall.

You quickly regained your composure and scowled at his words.

"Nah, Zhongli is better" Your response was fast.

"I'm just teasing you" He laughed at your response. "I know you have eyes only for mister tall and smart" He added with a fake smile.

Your conversation was interrupted by a little girl which appeared from another room. She also had orange hair, and in terms of physical appearance, she was very simillar to her brother.

"That's Tonia, my little sister"

"Teucer is already asleep" Her voice said, then she looked at you and her eyes widened.

"That's [Y/n], my..." Childe started.

"Girlfriend? Woah brother, you sure picked a right one! I'm glad you are going to be my mommy!" She was brimming with happiness.

"No, I'm just his classmate" You corrected. Her smile fell down.

"Yeah, this young lady has a crush on my best friend" Childe explained to his little sister while patting her hair. "Wait for a moment, I will change into something more comfortable" The boy said with an unreadable expression.

You noticed he started being weird everytime Zhongli was mentioned.

"What a shame... Poor brother" She quietly whispered.

"So I guess you want to play house then?" Childe who came back, grabbed her by surprise, and put her little, fragile body on his shoulders.

"Yeah! You'll be my daddy, and [Y/n] will be my mommy!" She responded with a huge smile.

You couldn't help but admit that she was cute. Like an angel. What a contrast to her brother.

"I can't believe you two are related" You gave a smile to them.

Tonia laughed.
"I wonder why everyone says that. Can you hug me?" She looked at you with pleading eyes.

Those eyes. Big, and full of hope. They seemed quite lonely though. There was no way you could not agree.

"Sure" your response was quick.

The girl hopped from Childe's back, and soon after you were enveloped in a huge hug. It felt warm.

"Daddy, I'm hungry" Tonia said after some minutes.

Childe laughed.
"What do you want to eat?"

"Anything you and mommy make together" She responded and happily landed on a couch.

"Let me take care of the cooking Dear. I don't want to spend the night in hospital. Food poisoning is a serious issue" He smirked at you, and it made you red.

"Barbara said I made progress" You scoffed at him.

"Barbara is nice to everyone" He countered.
"But don't worry, there isn't a person who is good at everything" He gave you a quick pat on the head. "And you did a pretty good job at stealing my heart" He added.

You were confused if he was just acting or telling the truth. You decided it was the first option, after all he helped you with Zhongli.

You were in charge of cutting the vegetables. It was an easy task, and it didn't take you much time.

Together you two managed to make something delicious. Childe's cooking abilities were pretty amazing. But you weren't surprised, after all he was taking care of his siblings alone. He had to learn some basic stuff.

"This is amazing!" Tonia said when she digged in the food.

You and Childe looked at each other with a smile. Cooking together was quite fun.

Tonia went to sleep fast, and so you were left with Childe.

"Thanks for today [Y/n]" He smiled at you.

"It was nothing, I'm glad I could met your sister. You can call me anytime if you want someone to babysit her" you said.

"So eager to be my wife again?" His smirk appeared again.

"You wish" A blush appeared on your cheeks.

"Yeah, maybe I do" He said in his mind. His expression saddened. "Anyway, it's getting late. Your parents will be worried. Let me walk you back to your home" Childe suggested.

Yo, here is a new chapter.
Hope you like it!

Childe x Reader [Modern AU]Where stories live. Discover now