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Things were going well. You got along with everyone. Zhongli was your friend, and he tutored you in history before each test.

But your feelings started to fade. You no longer craved the love of his, and friendship was fully satisfying for you.

Too bad that the same thing couldn't be said about Childe. The ginger bastard was making you feel both flustered and irritated. He was in your mind all the time, and you couldn't kick him out.

"Oh, you're thinking about me again?" Devil himself appeared by your side.

You blushed, and quickly scoffed at his words.

"I'm only thinking about you when I need to find something that pisses me off more than history"

"So you actually think about me a lot, I'm honored" His cocky smile was on his lips. Goddammit, he was hot, again.

"So how is your life going, Childe?" You turned your head to him, giving him your full attention.

"I can't wait for the prom. After all it's in a month. Do you have a date [Y/n]?" His hand was put on the wall, blocking your way to escape.

"You have a lot of nerve to kabedon me in public" You were a blushing mess but weren't giving in. Your glare was fake, you actually liked it and he saw right through.

"Oh~ Don't act like you don't enjoy it. Oh yeah, why don't you ask Zhongli? Maybe he will be your date?" Childe murmured in your ear. "But I bet he won't push you against the wall" He added smugly.

You wanted to say to him how much your feelings have changed since then. But something stopped you. Was it the fear of being rejected? Maybe actually not good enough for the famous Childe.

After all he was popular in the school. Playful heartbreaker, with a note of troublemaker. Perfect combo to get your heart crushed.

"Yeah, I guess so" Your voice was shaking, but it was enough for Childe to move away from you.

"As long as you are happy with your decision" He said, his voice softened for a moment.

"How about you? Do you have anyone on mind?" You asked him this time. Childe sighed, his cheerful smile faded.

"Yeah, but there is no way I will get a happy ending" He said with a dramatic tone.

"You are such a drama queen" You laughed at his expression.

"Maybe you're right, maybe you're not" Childe gave you a smile. His attifude changed way too quickly sometimes, but it was part of his charm too.

"Do you want to go to the prom together?" A random girl jogged to Childe, and appeared before him. She was holding a self made card, probably an invitation.

He looked at her with a smile.

"Oh no, he's going to go with her... But why should I care?" Your thoughts were fighting each other in your head. You didn't even know you were glaring at the poor girl.

"Sorry little miss, but I already have a date" Childe shrugged, his smug smile stayed on his face. "But no worries, I'm sure that you will find someone" He added.

The random girl walked away with a dissapointed expression.

"Great" You exclaimed, making Childe turn his attention to you.

"Didn't knew you were so jealous. You know that if you want too much, you won't get anything?" He patted your head.

You gave a "hmpf" as a response.

Rest of the day was going fine. You had fun on the lessons and your day was even better when both Childe and Zhongli offered to walk you home.

You noticed that Childe had quite a silly expression everytime Zhongli started his rambling and you actually listened to him. He was pouting. Like a cat which wanted to be pet, but wouldn't admit it.

"[Y/n] do you have someone to accompany you on prom?" Zhongli suddenly asked.

Childe looked at you, awaiting your response. Curiosity visible in his eyes.

"I have someone in mind" You gave him the safest answer you could possibly find.

Childe smirked.
Zhongli's expression was still the same.

"I see, I wanted to ask if you could help me ask one girl" Zhongli added.

You smiled.
"Sure, who's the lucky lady? Is it Ninguang? You two were spending a lot of time together last week" You asked quickly. Quite interested in his answer.


Childe's eyes widened.
Yours did too.
But it was fine. After all, Zhongli was just a friend to you. And you were glad that he had someone else in mind. Cause that meant, that you could possibly ask Childe. If your pride let you, of course.

"You should go for it, I bet you two would make a great pair together" You gave a supporting nod to Zhongli.

"That's good to know. Can I ask you to give her this letter then?" Zhongli gave you a cute paper enveloped in a elegant stationery.

You nodded.
You smiled in your head. That was something you expected from Zhongli.

"Thank you one more time. I must be going or else I will be late to the meeting" Brunette left you and Childe alone.

His blue eyes suddenly turned to you.
"What was that about? Didn't you like him? Like hell [Y/n], he is your crush right? You should be honest with your feelings" He said, with a lower voice than usual.

"I am honest. It's just that... I don't like him this way. I no longer have romantic feelings for Zhongli. I love him, but as a friend. So there is nothing wrong with supporting his choice" You sighed.

"I hope you're not lying, or else I will be angry" Childe's eyes softened and he gave you a small smile. If you weren't lying, that could mean that even he had a chance. And that fact made him happy.

"Yeah, that's the truth" You looked straight into the eyes of the ginger haired boy.

"Fine, I trust you. So does that mean you're free ?" He tilted his head while asking.

"I guess"

Childe smirked.
You were his, and you're not getting away.

This one took more time than I expected. I have exams starting tomorrow and I had to get ready. I'm sorry that you had to wait so long for another chapter :">

Childe x Reader [Modern AU]Where stories live. Discover now