coming back soon? read latest chapter for context
"We don't have an easy life, but we're happy. But life could change suddenly like the weather. It shifts and moves on. It's not like it always stays sunny, and it's not like it ever snows endlessly...
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Where am I?
How did Iget here?
Her thoughts clouded her mind until a voice called her name.
"Nezuko." It called out. "Don't let this day weigh you down."
Where is that voice coming from? She thought. She kept walking ahead until she saw a black silhouette.
"Wake up." It called out again. "Wake up, it's too late to sleep"
She got confused until everything started getting brighter.
"Wake up, Nezuko! You're the last one asleep!"
She slowed opened her eyes to Hanako and Shigeru trying to wake her up.
"Nezuko! You almost scared us!" Hanako scolded
"Yeah! We though you were going to sleep forever!" Shigeru said
Nezuko sat up, smiling.
"Well thank you for waking me up! You guys are the best for caring about me. I had a weird dream and I didn't know what was going on."
"What was the dream?" Shigeru eagerly asked.
"Well, I was in this place I didn't even know," Nezuko recalled, "until I hear a voice. I kept walking towards it until I saw a black silhouette standing in the middle of nowhere-"
Hanako cut her off, "That sounds like a boring dream."
"Hanako be quiet! I don't think that's boring!" Shigeru said.
"Guys stop fighting, it's ok. You said I was the last one to wake up. Did Tanjiro leave yet?" Nezuko asked
"No." Hanako answered. "He sprained his ankle while he was getting ready and he can't go down the mountain."
Nezuko looked concerned. "What? If he's hurt, who's going to sell all the charcoal?"
Shigeru answered "Takeo was going to go."
"By himself? Tell mom that Takeo can stay and I'll go down the mountain myself." Nezuko insisted as she got up and got her clothes.
"Are you sure? It's dangerous, what if you get hurt too?" Hanako said, with a look of concern in her eyes.
"Yes, we need enough money for food to fill you guys up. You don't need to do a thing." Nezuko reassured.
"Ok! I'll tell kaa-chan!" Shigeru yelled while running out the room.
Nezuko put on her pink kimono and black haori and left the room to go see Tanjiro.
"Nii-chan," Nezuko said, walking into his room who he shared with Takeo and Shigeru, "You can stay here and I'll go sell the charcoal."