Playing at the Park

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Chase, Rocky, Marshall, and Skye are at the playground. They start playing tag.

Chase: *staring at Skye  I wonder if she knows I really like her *starts spacing out

Rocky: Tag you're it!

Chase: Hey you're gonna get a comeback!

Chase then sees Marshall in front of him and run toward him.

Marshall: Yahoo! *as usual bumps into a tree allowing an easy tag

Marshall: No fair!

Rocky: Ummmmm, should we start playing something else?

Everyone: Ok.

They start playing Hide-and-Seek.

Rocky: Skye is the seeker!

Skye: No fair! 

Skye: Fine.

Skye: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...  Ready or not, here I come!

Skye finds Rocky and Marshall easily (mostly because he tripped while in the bush). However, Chase is nowhere to be found.

Marshall: Hey, don't look at me, I have no idea where he is.

Skye: *is walking around looking  Hmmmmmmm

She bumps into Chase (who is hiding behind the slide) and their noses nearly touch.

Skye & Chase: Oh ummmmm hehe...

Rocky: What are you guys doing back there?

Marshall: Yay you found Chase!!!

Rocky: Seriously Marshall did you have to shout that loud?


Marshall confronts Chase about today.

Marshall: Why were you like staring into space earlier when we were playing tag?

Marshall: And also you were blushing when Skye was on top of you.

Chase: Ummmmm it's kinda private.

Marshall: Tell me...

Marshall: C'mon I'm your best friend.

Chase: Nope.

Marshall: Then I'm gonna have to guess...

Chase: *puts his paw on Marshall's mouth  Don't you dare!

Marshall manages to break free.

Marshall: Is it that you like Skye?

Chase: Nooooooooooooo!

Marshall: Aha so you do!

Chase: No I do not!!!

Marshall: *rolls his eyes and facepalms (or should I say facepaws)

Chapter 1: 292 words

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