Fall Here 12: Can I Get A Respite (Stacey and Justin)

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The feeling of exasperation and frustration doesn't begin to describe the days leading up to the will readings of Sienna's parents.  She has been in a crazy paranoid mood one minute and calm cool and collected the next.  I am having problems keeping up with her various moods and my studies.

My chemistry professor opted to give a pop quiz and let's just say I didn't do to well.  Normally I'm pulling A's and B's on tests and quizzes, currently I'm starring at a C-.  I'm trying to rack my brain on how I got so many questions wrong.  I put the quiz down and go back through the text in the textbook and my notes to try and figure out how I could do better.

Time elapsed faster than I remembered because I had been reading the same sentence over again for what I would guess is the past half hour.  I pinch the bridge of my nose as I hear the door open to the suite and Sienna came storming in and slammed the door behind her.  The slamming of her bedroom door pulled me out of my own thoughts.

She has been on edge as the time to leave to go back home approached.  I wasn't going to put my foot in my mouth and make her more on edge.  I was going to honor her space.  I stand up and stretch, closing my chemistry book.  I need some fresh air and a walk to café would hopefully help clear my head.  I go to Sienna's door, "Hey, I'm going to the café, did you want anything?"   There was no answer to the question, so I grabbed my jacket and closed the door behind me.

I see Justin is working a late shift in the café tonight.  Since it was a little slow, he was reviewing some notes for a class.  I walked up to the counter, "Oh Hey Stacey, what can I get started for you?"

"I'll take my usual, Mocha Chai Latte please."

"You got it." He punched my order in. "You usually come in in the morning, what's up?"

I took a deep breath, "Needing a break, didn't do too well on my quiz today." I sat quietly tapping my fingers against the counter.

Justin slid my cup to me and went about humming to himself while cleaning.  I just stared at my coffee hoping it would give me an answer to my current situation.

"Penny for your thoughts." Justin's comment pulled me from my thoughts. "I can tell this is more than just a quiz bothering you." He said.

I took a deep breath, he was right. I finally look at him in the eyes and I see my answer. "Hey Justin, could you do me a favor?"  I asked, praying he would agree to help me.

*~*Justin's POV*~*

Stacey looked as though she would break.  She nervously tapped the side of her cup, wavering in  her decision to tell me what the favor was.

In the course of the last week, I have started getting to know Stacey and Sienna a little better.  I would consider them friends.  Stacey has piqued my curiosity as to what was bothering her, "What's the ask?" I asked, coming from behind the counter to sit next to her.

Stacey wouldn't meet my gaze and a tear slowly fell.  "I was wondering," she hefted a huge sigh, "could you accompany Sienna back home in a couple days?"  My eyes went wide and my pulse started to race as I processed her words.

Given the magnitude of her request and current state of mind, I couldn't help but ask, "Don't you want to go?"

I could see her shoulders stiffen as the words left my mouth.  A couple more tears fell, "I'm such a bad friend because at this time, No I don't." her mascara began to run, "I know that sounds bad, but –" She couldn't bring herself to continue.  It broke my heart to see her like this.

I placed my hand on hers to calm her down. She took a few more deep breaths, "I don't know if Rylee told you, but Sienna is going through a lot right now."

*~*Stacey POV*~*

His touch calmed me a little, took my mind back to earlier in the week that Sienna made mention of the calm she felt in his presence.  I was beginning to tell him the events of a couple weeks ago, but he stopped me.  I looked into his blue eyes and they told me that he already knew.

"I already know, googled her on move in day." He said, removing his hand and blushing slightly.

I sort of smiled and shook my head at his forwardness.  "You know I can tell you like her." I mused, hoping to sell him on the idea. "You don't have to say anything, I can tell.  I also know that just in the past few days she has started to be a little more herself when she's been around you. And I – I trust you." I added, trying to make sure to put a pin into this conversation.  "You can always say no, I know this is a big ask."

He seemed to mull my words over for a moment. "Yeah, I don't mind.  I'll talk to Ms. Devine and I'll take her back home." He finally answered.

My heart soared with his answer. "I owe you.  You don't know what this means to me."

"You need to take care of yourself too." He said, he hopped of the stool next to me and rested a hand on my shoulder.  He smirked, "We discuss me fee later."

The anxiety I had walked in with almost evaporated. "Thank you." I bid and took my drink back to the suite.  I wouldn't be able to thank Justin enough for being my fill in.  He has given me the opportunity to get my head on straight and get my footing here at university.

I shut the door to the suite, as Sienna opened the door to her room. "Hey." She greeted meekly.

"Hey." I said back, stepping forward and giving her a hug.

"Sorry for my attitude lately."

"All is forgiven."


I know I should have told her about the changes in plans, but I didn't want to add to her stress.  I'd tell her as she met Justin downstairs.   That way she couldn't back out and I knew once on the road, eventually she'd warm up to the idea.

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