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Shamelessly, selfishly I ran out. If I stayed there any longer I'd puke.
I couldn't breathe, I couldn't think, my vision got blurry, but I kept running. Hes back hes back. How on earth is he back? I killed him i killed him... We buried him w-why is he...

I didn't want to think of it. I didn't want to think of my mom right now. Everything hurts. My mom always said once it rains a big change is going to happen. She was right..

Beomgyu ran to the forest with his tears still pouring out. He almost had a panic attack. He ran into the room panting. "Gyu..? What's wrong-" Beomgyu ran up to him and hugged him tightly. He began to sob more into the youngers shoulder.

"S-shes gone hyunie.. my mom... shes gone.." he gripped taehyuns sleeve. The blonde haired boy didn't know what to say. He didn't know how to comfort him. He hugged him back and rubbed the back of beomgyu's head. Sobs could be heard around the room. Echoing just like that dreadful day.

"I couldn't save her... I couldn't do anything I'm useless!" He yelled. "You're not useless beomie.. You're not a super hero with powers its not your fault shes gone. Its not your fault you couldn't save her. Dont treat yourself like this.. You're human gyu you can't always save her"

Beomgyu continued to cry into taehyuns shoulder. "But I.. I should've been there.. I-" Taehyun pulled him away and grabbed his shoulders so he can look at his face. He wiped beomgyu's tears and caressed his face. "Its okay beomie please dont blame yourself. I love you.. I hate to see you like this"

Taehyun lifted beomgyu's chin and kissed him. Beomgyu always turned into a shade of red anytime they kissed. Taehyun pulled away and smiled "I'll always be here for you beomie, okay?" Beomgyu nodded. He hugged the younger again. Taehyun was the only one that could calm beomgyu down.

He was the fire extinguisher to his fire. The one who would always protect him. "I love you" beomgyu said in a tiny voice. "I love you too gyu" he smiled.

A few hours pass and the two were lying down next to eachother. Beomgyu explained everything to taehyun. Taehyun fell asleep after talking for so long. Beomgyu still awake, admired taehyuns facial features.

The youngers phone buzzed. Out of curiosity beomgyu slowly reached out and grabbed it. It was a message 'you still there? We could hang out if you're not busy ♥︎' beomgyu looked back at taehyun. He sighed and put the phone back.

"Its not my business right now.." he quietly said. He was a bit upset and confused but he ignored it and hugged taehyun and fell asleep.


(Tw || blood, murder)

2 days earlier

"Binnie binnie! Holy fuck-" Yeonjun dropped the knife on the floor. Yeonjun laughs and wipes his face smearing blood on his face. Soobin sat beside him and kissed him. The body of yeonjun's dad laid there dead on the floor beside them.

"I guess we're both psychopaths now" yeonjun said pulling away and smirking. Soobin giggled "I didnt think you'd actually do it. You didn't even hesitate to stab him" the two laughed. "There was no love between me and my father so I felt nothing"

"Well I'm glad he can't hurt you anymore.  No matter what I just want to say I love you" soobin said kissing yeonjun's forehead "what? are you going to kill me too ? Haha.." he said joking. "Well.. I'm just saying I love you heh.." he ruffled the olders hair.

Yeonjun pushed him down, got on top of him, and kissed him. A sloppy kiss the two enjoy so much. "I love you too binnie.. I'll do anything for you"


(Another tw sorry! || self harm)

Huening kai sighed at his phone. He was supposed to have a date with soobin, but the older ignored his calls all day. Beomgyu wasn't answering either, but he knew it was best not to keep calling him. For all he knew beomgyu could be hurting from his mom.

"Theres someone else theres someone else.." the young boy said repeatedly. "Thats why he kept smiling at his phone! He- he's in love with someone else... ugh!" He threw his phone at the ground and threw himself on the bed. "Why am I so unlucky? I wanna be more than the cute one!"

"If I'm cute.. why don't you like me back..?" He stared at the ceiling as the tears poured out. He pulled out the knife from his pocket and cut his arm twice. He laughed at the pain. "I'm so fucking pathetic.." he watched the blood flow out of his arm.

His phone suddenly rang. He looked at his phone on the floor. It was soobin calling him. He let it ring and didn't bother to stop it. "One new voicemail" the phone read. He sighed and picked it up to hear his voice. "Hey hyuka..? Sorry I can't make it today something came up-" "binnie come here its colddd!" "Uh I got to go bye!" The voicemail ended.

"haha..HAHA THERE IS SOMEONE" His laugh suddenly stopped and anger filled his face. He felt like he couldn't breathe so he went outside. He sat on the bench and stared at the ground. "I hate you choi soobin"


Beomgyu walked out the forest with taehyuns jacket around him. He smiled the whole way back. The streets were filled with puddles. It seemed like the rain stopped and the sky began to grow darker.

He went to kai's house to tell him everything and that he was feeling better. He saw him staring at the ground completely still. He walked up to him "hyuka.. you okay?" The younger slowly looked up and beomgyu saw his puffy eyes and red nose. "Does it look like I'm okay?"

"A-ah I guess not.. a-anyways I'm feeling better about my mom.. she didn't make it though.." Huening kai nodded and looked down. "Sorry my response isn't good but atleast you're feeling better.. I don't mean to be rude but can you leave?"

"D-did I do something wrong?" The younger sighed "just shut up and leave! Can't you see I'm not myself right now?!" Beomgyu's face turned to a sadden expression "I-I just want to help.." Huening kai stood up "I dont need your help. I don't need you! I dont need anyone! Why can't I just fucking die?!"

He yelled out. His tears streamed down his face. He rolled his eyes and pushed beomgyu out of the way. He walked away and disappeared into the city. Beomgyu stood there not being able to move. "D-die..? Hyuka wants to die?"

He gulped. He wanted to chase after him but he knew that would make him feel worse. He walked home and entered the house. He turned on he lights and became even more sad.

He was remembered once again of his deceased mother. His mom was usually there in the kitchen making something. She'd always greet him with the warmest smile and hug. Now that smile was gone forever.

He walked up to his moms room and began to cry. He took his shoes off and got in her bed. "I-Im home mom..." the tears began to pour out even more "I-I miss you.. so much.. I need you" he pulled the covers over him. He hugged one of the pillows and fell asleep crying.

The pillows, the sheets, the whole house smelled like his mom. He knew he wasn't going to get over her so easily.

𝖈𝖗𝖔𝖜𝖘 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖋𝖑𝖔𝖜𝖊𝖗𝖘 || taegyuWhere stories live. Discover now