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"You are not going with him" the woman said. "Why can't I? I'm old enough to take care of myself. It'll only be for two hours" taehyun whined.

The woman slapped his face "listen to me you aren't going anywhere you need to get out of the clouds and study" taehyun boiled with anger.

"I study enough! I need time to clear my head why cant you understand!? You aren't my mom stop acting like you are!" The woman slapped him again. It was so strong he fell to the floor and had a huge red mark on his face.

"Kang taehyun! That's enough! I took you into my home and nursed you so you must listen to my rules!!" The woman yelled.

Taehyun got up, wiped his face, and scoffed. "I would've been better off alone" he stormed off to his room and sat on the edge of his bed.

Just then the blonde haired boys phone rang. He smiled and answered "hey yeonjun hyung" the pink haired boy smiled on the other side of the phone "hey hyunnie~ you coming?"

Taehyun looked back at the door and bit his lip "yeah I'll be there in a few" "okie see you~" he hung up and packed his stuff up in his bag. He knew he was not going to stay in that house any longer.

He opened his window and jumped out with his bag in his hand. He was now on his way to yeonjun's house. Yeonjun's dad wasn't any better than the blonde's guardian. He was worse.

--     ☆      ---   

( TW \\ f- slur|abuse )

The two boys shared a cigarette while talking about how horribly their lives are. "Hey crazy idea... we should run away together" the pink haired boy chuckled at taehyuns words.

"I'd love to but my dad would seriously kill me. You saw how mad he got when he found out I dyed my hair pink. You know that did not end well.." he scratched the back of his neck.

"Truee but how would he hurt you if he can't find you" yeonjun shrugged and still disagreed. The two kept talking till the sun disappeared. They were having fun until an unexpected person busted through the door.

It was yeonjuns dad. "You fucking faggot the fuck are you doing?!" Yeonjun gulped and looked down. "You're smoking in my house?! And wearing a crop top! What, were you putting on a show for him??"

Taehyun looked at yeonjun who was currently trembling "LOOK AT ME WHEN I'M TALKING" His dad yelled. Yeonjun still didn't look up. His dad grabbed yeonjun and slapped him.

"I DIDNT RAISE YOU TO BE A FUCKING FAGGOT YOU-" "WAIT- L-LEAVE HIM ALONE" taehyun stood in between them. Blocking his dad from yeonjun. The dad laughed and rolled his eyes.

"I know you. You're that boy this faggot was crushing on. Arent you a match made in heaven~" taehyun looked at yeonjun. The pink haired boys eyes were getting big. His face showed his pain. "I-im sorry hyunnie. I didn't think y-you'd find out" the boy teared up.

Taehyun was speechless. All the pieces were matched up. That. That was the reason for his behavior. How long had yeonjun loved him? All these questions were soon pushed away when yeonjun's dad punched taehyun, knocking him down.

"TAEHYUN" yeonjun quickly got down and held him. "You okay??" The blonde nodded and got back up. The dad leaned and chuckled. Yeonjun looked at taehyun and whispered in his ear.

"Please please leave before he hurts you even more. The window is open, go. I'll be f-fine. I want you safe so please hurry" taehyun slowly nodded and hugged yeonjun.

He then jumped out the window and when he ran far enough he looked back and saw yeonjun's hurt expression looking back at him. He felt bad but if he didn't leave it would've made things worse.

The blonde haired boy realized he had no where to go so he ran to the forest and did not stop. He ran and ran until he could no longer see.

The trees were very tall and there were a bunch of crows surrounding him. It looked like a scene from a scary movie. He sat down and decided to sleep a bit. A few hours later he's woken up by a voice calling to him.

He was very confused. Who would be this deep in the forest looking for him? In disbelief he follows the voice. He followed the voice into a cave that somehow turned completely dark.

The voice suddenly said "remember his name" taehyun was now scared. Where was he? Who was that voice? Remember who's name? He then looked behind him and saw three doors.

Is this a dream...?

𝖈𝖗𝖔𝖜𝖘 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖋𝖑𝖔𝖜𝖊𝖗𝖘 || taegyuWhere stories live. Discover now